', '', '', 465, 466, 0, '0000-00-00', 'ihon_macl@yahoo.com', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5407)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_61";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('James of the Lake', 'James C. Baldwin', 'Master of the Pelican', 465, 486, 0, '0000-00-00', 'jotl2008@wildblue.net', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5408)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_62";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Lance', 'Lance', '', 465, 466, 0, '0000-00-00', 'schultzlance@yahoo.com', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5409)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_63";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Marcus Artorius Metellus', 'Travis C. Masters', 'Lord', 465, 466, 0, '0000-00-00', 'Nykodymus@hotmail.com', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5410)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_64";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Michael of Boulton', 'Mike Boultinghouse', '', 465, 466, 0, '0000-00-00', 'sekim2003@yahoo.com', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5411)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_65";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Muirenn inghean Chon Ruaidh', 'Robin Mele', '', 465, 466, 0, '0000-00-00', 'rrmele@lightspeed.net', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5412)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_66";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Galen deLeon', 'Roger Mize', 'THL', 465, 466, 0, '0000-00-00', 'galen_deleon@yahoo.com', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5413)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_67";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Eliana', 'Mel Wagner', '', 720, 742, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5414)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_68";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Henry Radclyf', 'Dan Jackson', '', 720, 742, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5415)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_69";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Helena the Innocent', 'Candice Jackson', '', 720, 742, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5416)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_70";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Elispir de Horsley', 'Debbie Szabo', '', 720, 757, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5417)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_71";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Seth Ross', '', 192, 285, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5418)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_72";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Elias Ross', '', 192, 285, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5419)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_73";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Rebecca', '', 192, 285, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5420)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_74";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Emma of Namron', '', 192, 285, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5421)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_75";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Anna Mitrofanova', 'Holly Decker', 'Mistress', 192, 281, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5422)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_76";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Norah McNiel', 'Norah McNiel', '', 424, 440, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5423)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_77";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Mor Hoistlair', 'Samantha Strickland', 'Lady', 424, 440, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5424)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_78";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Hagen v. Duernstein', 'Philip Binder', 'Lord', 5, 104, 0, '0000-00-00', 'binderphilip@gmail.com', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5425)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_79";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Delphina de Champeaux', 'Ledonna McGowan', '', 192, 301, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5426)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_80";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Mike of Northkeep', 'Mike Simmons', '', 192, 284, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5427)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_81";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Domingos de Leon', 'Bill Brown', 'Lord', 683, 693, 0, '0000-00-00', 'oldstickbow@gmail.com', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5428)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_82";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Delphina de Champeaux', 'Ledonna McGowan', '', 192, 301, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5429)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_83";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Serena Lewis', '', 611, 633, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5430)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_84";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Geldamar La Faceur', 'David L. White', '', 2, 19, 0, '0000-00-00', 'Geldamar@aol.com', '803-319-6468 ', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5431)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_85";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Conall O` Caindealbhain', 'John Wilson', '', 192, 301, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5432)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_86";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Richard Montbard', 'Patrick O`Brian', '', 192, 301, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5433)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_87";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Matt of Aneala', 'Mattia Fracassini', '', 720, 724, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5434)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_88";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Isabel Winterboarne', 'Stephanie Wilson', '', 192, 301, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5435)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_89";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Maeve of Muddlety', 'Terese O`Brian', '', 192, 301, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5436)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_90";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Sheillagh O`Brian', '', 192, 301, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5437)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_91";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Svala', 'Sam Flannery', '', 611, 613, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5438)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_92";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Bernard', 'Richard Hattrich', '', 611, 613, 215790, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5439)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_93";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Annys Bradwardyn ', 'Suzanne Jacquest', 'Ladyship ', 5, 106, 0, '0000-00-00', 'Suejaquest@yahoo.ca', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5440)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_94";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Ulf-Unni', 'Paul Grubs', '', 194, 200, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5441)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_95";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Robert of Delftwood', 'Robert Gallasch', '', 3, 63, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5442)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_96";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Crumm', 'Robert Nesta', '', 4, 825, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5443)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_97";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Eron FitzGerald', 'Colleen Fitzgerald', '', 194, 263, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5444)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_98";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Thomas of Stormvale', 'Thomas Droste', '', 194, 263, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5445)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_99";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Dane Duvall', 'Dane', '', 5, 98, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5446)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_100";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Dade Duvall', 'Dade', '', 5, 98, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5447)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_101";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Nicole', 'Nicole Friend', '', 5, 98, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5448)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_102";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Brynachap Efflam', 'Russelled Brazz ', '', 192, 281, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5449)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_103";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Ahongus', 'Blane', '', 192, 281, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5450)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_104";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Grayson', '', 192, 281, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5451)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_105";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Wilson Berrian', '', 192, 281, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5452)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_106";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Eliezer of Roaring Waste', 'Louis Finkelman', '', 194, 259, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5454)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_107";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Alex Mullins', '', 194, 200, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5455)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_108";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Rob of Isenfir', 'Rob Kavanaugh', '', 2, 57, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5456)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_109";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Matthew of Red Mountain', 'Matthew Kavanaugh', '', 2, 57, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5457)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_110";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Marion de Heriz', 'Megan Harris', '', 2, 57, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5458)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_111";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Alena of Isenfir', 'Alena Solenne', '', 2, 57, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5459)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_112";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Clare Garland', 'Karen Oxford', '', 2, 57, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5460)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_113";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Idunn Ferkingstad', 'Emma Abraham', '', 2, 57, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5461)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_114";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Sewallis de Shirley', 'Sewallis de Shirley', '', 192, 298, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5462)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_115";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Borijigidun Monggulun', 'Holly Melendez', '', 192, 291, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5463)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_116";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Nils Athenodoros', 'Nils Athenodoros', '', 192, 305, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5464)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_117";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Chrestien Brule', 'Chrestien Brule', '', 192, 305, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5465)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_118";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Wolfgar Von Eisenstad', 'Wolfgar Von Eisenstad', '', 192, 305, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5466)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_119";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Christian Letney', 'christian letney', '', 192, 305, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5467)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_120";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Alan de laRue', 'Alan de laRue', '', 192, 305, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5469)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_121";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Wolf Der Ganger', 'John Engelke', '', 192, 289, 0, '0000-00-00', 'loki_nuwisha@yahoo.com', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5470)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_122";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Lori McCarty', '', 192, 305, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5471)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_123";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Lori McCarthy', '', 192, 305, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5472)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_124";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Diana de Winterton', 'Diana Brazell', 'Princess', 5, 131, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7255)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_125";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Kat Sharpe', 'Heather Matthews', '', 5, 137, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5474)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_126";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Pink', 'Stephanie Dear', '', 5, 137, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5475)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_127";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Blizzerd Oldenmoor', 'Winter H', '', 5, 98, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5476)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_128";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Bryce', 'Bryce Shafer', '', 5, 98, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5477)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_129";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Faith Thomlinson', 'Jennifer Clark', '', 4, 170, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5478)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_130";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Cathleen Thomlinson', 'Jonna Clark', '', 4, 170, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5479)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_131";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Harrison', 'Harrison Smith', '', 5, 98, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5480)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_132";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Thomas of Greenhaulgh', 'Mike Simmons', '', 5, 129, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5481)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_133";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Beatrice Knighton', 'Michelle Crocker', '', 5, 98, 0, '0000-00-00', 'ninja_princess_2012@yahoo.com', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5482)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_134";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Cormacc Ua Rigian', 'Cormacc', '', 2, 22, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5483)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_135";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Sarre DiVicenza', 'Sarre', '', 2, 22, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5484)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_136";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Micah', 'Micah', '', 2, 22, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5485)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_137";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Joshua Regan', '', 2, 22, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5486)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_138";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Gabriel Regan', '', 2, 22, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5487)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_139";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Norman', 'Norman Slater', '', 5, 98, 0, '0000-00-00', 'nasista@yahoo.com', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5488)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_140";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Avalon Harris', 'Avalon Harris', '', 5, 98, 0, '0000-00-00', 'neavlon@yahoo.com', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5489)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_141";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Artorian', 'Joel Halberg', '', 5, 98, 0, '0000-00-00', 'joel.halberg@gmail.com', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5490)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_142";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Collin Waldahl', 'Collin Waldahl', '', 5, 98, 0, '0000-00-00', 'collin-waldahl@gmail.com', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5491)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_143";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Ian of Argyle', 'Joshua Campbell', '', 5, 145, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5492)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_144";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Lito MacPhearson', 'Morgan Plunkett', '', 5, 98, 0, '0000-00-00', 'ohcaptain13@yahoo.com', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5493)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_145";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Lucius von Bamberg', 'Jason Westlund', '', 5, 98, 0, '0000-00-00', 'chunk_style@hotmail.com', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5494)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_146";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Arpad', 'Chris Nagy', '', 5, 98, 0, '0000-00-00', 'chrisanagy@gmail.com', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5495)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_147";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Jolan', 'Joshua Weller', '', 5, 134, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5496)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_148";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Eirnv Blix', 'Kelly Anthony', '', 2, 33, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5497)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_149";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Alesander Davidson', 'Anthony Davis', '', 2, 33, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5498)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_150";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Brent Symon', 'Brent Sine', '', 2, 33, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5499)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_151";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Hippolyta', 'Isis Wolf', '', 5, 102, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5500)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_152";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Hope of Giggleswick', 'Hope Zuschlag', '', 9, 568, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5501)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_153";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Elijah of Giggleswick', 'Elijah Scholes', '', 9, 568, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5502)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_154";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Owen of Giggleswick', 'Owen Forbes', '', 9, 568, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5503)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_155";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Douglas of Auxene', 'Doug Smith', '', 194, 237, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5504)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_156";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Sabine Crespelle', 'Talysha Tingey', '', 520, 521, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5505)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_157";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Arabella', 'Emily Alice Stewart', 'm`Lady', 520, 521, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5506)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_158";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Greg of Roxbury Mill', 'Greg Lemich', '', 2, 58, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5507)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_159";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Tore', 'Chris Quintana', '', 611, 629, 43530, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5508)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_160";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('William', 'William Conyan', '', 5, 100, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5509)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_161";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Geirleikr', 'Visser', 'Sir', 5, 117, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5510)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_162";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Emmalina Illaria', 'Crystal', '', 192, 281, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5511)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_163";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Jason', 'Jason Kieft', '', 5, 104, 0, '0000-00-00', 'jakieft21@gmail.com', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5512)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_164";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Catherine Saint De Bois', 'Catherine Evans-Davis', '', 192, 286, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5513)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_165";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Alexia-Arwen', 'Amber Jacquez', '', 611, 633, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5514)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_166";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Johann Steinarsson', 'Jay Reynolds', 'Lord', 424, 440, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5515)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_167";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Roderick de Graham', 'Allen Graham', 'His Lordship', 424, 440, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5516)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_168";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('jane of delftwood', 'jane mcgowan', '', 3, 63, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5517)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_169";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('sarah of delftwood', 'sarah pratt', '', 3, 63, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5518)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_170";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Boris Dragons Bane', 'Michael Reynolds', '', 3, 63, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5519)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_171";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('William Geoffrey the Rogue', 'Jeffrey Bailes', 'Sir', 5, 131, 0, '0000-00-00', 'bouncer@mind.net', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5520)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_172";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Tassi Parker', 'Rachel Parker', 'Her Ladyship', 5, 109, 0, '0000-00-00', 'PeachyPiggies@hotmail.com', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5521)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_173";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Michael', 'Michael Parker', '', 5, 109, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5522)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_174";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Alex', 'Saige Jenus', '', 5, 109, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5523)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_175";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Sky', 'Sky Unknown ', '', 5, 109, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5524)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_176";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Lexi Lopez', 'Prudence Stewart', '', 5, 109, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5525)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_177";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Crispin Sexi', 'Jaysen Ollerenshaw', '', 720, 742, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5526)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_178";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Zenobia Di Nicola Crivelli', 'Reva Diana', '', 5, 104, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5527)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_179";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Kjartan Kraka', 'Jamie Prowse', '', 5, 148, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5528)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_180";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Fiona the Archer', 'Tamala Arm', 'HL', 5, 104, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5529)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_181";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Alzbieta', 'Elizabeth Ataide', '', 5, 104, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5530)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_182";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Evelynne Merrymet', 'Rita Jane Leasure', '', 2, 10, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5531)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_183";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Jason of Abertridwr', 'Jason Glover', '', 720, 721, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5532)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_184";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Bjorn Hildulfson', 'Kyne Savage', '', 720, 721, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5533)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_185";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Signy Hrafnsdottir', 'Lauryn Pearce', '', 720, 721, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5534)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_186";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Prudence Stewart', 'Lexi Lopez', '', 5, 109, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5535)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_187";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Alex of Stegby', 'Alex Connor', '', 720, 833, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5537)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_188";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Ealusaid', 'Christy Lewis', 'Lady', 520, 538, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5538)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_189";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Lawrence Bacon', 'Chris Alderman', 'Lord', 520, 521, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5539)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_190";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Letizia', 'Leticia Kollgaard', '', 465, 467, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5540)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_191";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Wellington Ford', '', 4, 170, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5541)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_192";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Rysev Zimin', 'Andrew Roach', '', 4, 170, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5542)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_193";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Valentinas', 'Valentinas', '', 520, 521, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5543)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_194";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Rab', 'Robert Wilkins', '', 611, 629, 155394, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5544)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_195";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Cassie of Giggleswick', 'Cassie Aumann', '', 9, 563, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5545)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_196";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Dragos Potoava', 'Don Harrison', '', 2, 18, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '8083721049', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5546)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_197";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Siohban', 'Erin Blanchard', '', 2, 27, 0, '0000-00-00', 'ckb3241@yahoo.com', '204674', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5547)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_198";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Alessandra de Piro', 'Kat Pogatshnik', '', 424, 426, 0, '0000-00-00', 'k.pogatshnik@gmail.com', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5548)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_199";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Elizabeth', 'Elizabeth Crammer', '', 2, 11, 0, '0000-00-00', 'lavalizcrammer@gmail.com', '7039634621', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5549)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_200";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Vittoria Cavalieri', 'Elizabeth Dorris', '', 2, 18, 0, '0000-00-00', 'birdstrike110@yahoo.com', '8804852615', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5550)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_201";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Bethany of Windmere', 'Bethany', 'Baroness', 520, 525, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5551)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_202";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Duban MacFalon', 'Paul McSweeney', '', 5, 103, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5552)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_203";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Rosamond Winder', 'Rachel McSweeney', 'HL', 5, 103, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5553)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_204";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Sadb an Fheadha', 'Alex McConnell', '', 5, 137, 0, '0000-00-00', 'mcconnell.alex.j@gmail.com', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5761)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_205";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Paul Ancich', '', 5, 100, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5555)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_206";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Olga von Grimme', 'Stacey Fahnestock', 'm`Lady', 520, 521, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5556)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_207";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Henryk Boguese', 'Henry Boguse', '', 3, 69, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5557)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_208";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Henryk Boguse', 'Henry Boguese', '', 3, 69, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5558)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_209";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Andrew of Skye', 'Marc Ashman', '', 2, 18, 0, '0000-00-00', 'andrewofskye@gmail.com', '7574180927', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5559)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_210";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Matsura Suetsunie', 'Adam Smith', '', 2, 38, 0, '0000-00-00', 'matsura5@netscape.net', '9195933799', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5560)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_211";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Ruffyn of Stierbach', 'AJ Ruffin', '', 2, 22, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5561)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_212";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Christine d`Arles', '', 4, 169, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5562)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_213";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Sadie', '', 4, 168, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5563)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_214";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Karen Serrano', '', 4, 169, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5564)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_215";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Godfrey de Neuhalle', 'Adam Newell', '', 4, 170, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5565)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_216";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Antonitus', 'Aaron Hull', '', 4, 171, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5566)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_217";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('William', 'Wayne Coldrow', '', 4, 168, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5567)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_218";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Angie Varuolo', '', 4, 167, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5568)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_219";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Alejandro Rodriguez', '', 4, 171, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5569)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_220";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Michael DeNovo', '', 4, 168, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5570)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_221";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Milesenda de Bourges', 'Lana Tessler', '', 4, 174, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5571)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_222";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Morgan O`Cuinn', 'Miki LaCourse', '', 4, 824, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5572)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_223";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Christina', '', 4, 168, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5573)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_224";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Janna Clark', '', 4, 168, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5574)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_225";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Beatrice Walling', '', 4, 191, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5575)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_226";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Vanessa DeGeer', '', 4, 190, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5576)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_227";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Andrew DeGeer', '', 4, 190, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5577)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_228";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Jim Kennedy', '', 2, 13, 0, '0000-00-00', 'jkennedy@ccboe.com', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5578)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_229";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Stephen Lehrter', '', 2, 13, 0, '0000-00-00', 'sl03560@gmail.com', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5579)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_230";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Kjel Smidr', 'Kevin Bower', '', 194, 259, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5580)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_231";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Cynewulf de Devlyn', 'Dylan Bower', '', 194, 259, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5581)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_232";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Nathan Fortune', '', 192, 193, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5582)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_233";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Mike Vasquez', '', 192, 193, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5583)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_234";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Znata Dmitrieva Zhena Dugana', 'Janetta Gideon', 'Lady', 192, 193, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5584)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_235";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('corey of delftwood', 'corey christopher', '', 3, 63, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5585)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_236";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Toshiro Koi', 'Jesus Cavos', 'Baron', 192, 281, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5586)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_237";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Lochlann Dunn', 'Bob the Guy', 'King', 192, 308, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5587)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_238";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Jordan of Adlersruhe', '', 192, 279, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5588)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_239";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Patric of Adlersruhe', '', 192, 279, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5589)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_240";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Brad of Bonwicke', 'Brad Armstrong', '', 192, 281, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5590)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_241";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Emily of Bonwicke', 'Emily Martin', '', 192, 281, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5591)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_242";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Brian Brown', '', 2, 13, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5592)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_243";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Billy Sprouse', '', 2, 13, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5593)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_244";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Ivan of Zemgale', 'Peter Freivalds', '', 520, 527, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5594)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_245";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Sean Lufthus', 'Sean Lufthus', '', 520, 539, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5595)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_246";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Samantha Arzy', 'Samantha Arzy', '', 520, 527, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5596)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_247";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Hugo Von Gutenbach', 'Anthony Loring', '', 2, 20, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5597)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_248";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Grimr Magnusson', 'Sequoya Stubbings', '', 720, 833, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5598)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_249";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Finnr Magnusson', 'Finnigan Stubbings', '', 720, 833, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5599)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_250";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Sofia Ivarsdottir', 'Diedre Arzy', '', 520, 527, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5600)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_251";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Karl Zum Dracken', 'Chad Mapes', '', 424, 440, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5601)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_252";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Konrad Von Roth', 'Kurt Jones', 'Lord', 424, 440, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5602)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_253";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Ken Dirks', '', 3, 97, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5603)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_254";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Byan', '', 3, 97, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5604)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_255";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Tom', '', 3, 97, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5605)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_256";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Bryan', '', 3, 97, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5606)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_257";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Kevynn Llywarch', 'Mark Blanchard', '', 4, 825, 0, '0000-00-00', 'jeepsn_java@yahoo.com', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5607)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_258";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Archos Bacchus of Ambergard', 'Kenneth Naff', '', 5, 125, 0, '0000-00-00', 'bacchus_sca@yahoo.com', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5608)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_259";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('James Red Beard', 'Jaime Herrera', '', 5, 100, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5609)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_260";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Arrir Elfstan', 'James Bushell', '', 5, 105, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5610)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_261";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Ceara Grigour ', 'Wheat', '', 5, 102, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5611)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_262";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Cerball', 'Edward Bell', '', 2, 10, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5612)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_263";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Jocelyn Baron', '', 2, 10, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5613)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_264";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Philip Ingesane', 'Philip Sirrine', '', 2, 10, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5614)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_265";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Iuliana Constanteanu', 'Sheri Steffen', '', 520, 527, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5615)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_266";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Mangke Haye Hue Vachir', 'Bruce Steffen', '', 520, 527, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5616)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_267";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Patrick', 'Garretson', '', 317, 330, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5617)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_268";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Catherine of Shirwode', 'Fiona Cousins', '', 720, 736, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5618)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_269";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('joe of delftwood', 'joe hannah', '', 3, 63, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5619)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_270";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Layla Bint Idris', 'Danielle ward', '', 720, 750, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5621)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_271";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Carl Mac Branduibh', 'Carl Cogan', '', 3, 65, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5622)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_272";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Disa', 'Denise Howard', '', 424, 453, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5623)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_273";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Steaffan Shaw', 'Liberty Harris', '', 424, 454, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5624)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_274";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Soren Atte` Raven', 'Shane Abel', '', 424, 427, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5625)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_275";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Nicolette La Follette', 'Romie Kimball', '', 424, 451, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5626)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_276";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Michael the Wanderer', 'Michael White', '', 424, 458, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5627)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_277";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Siobhan an Einigh', 'Alessandra West', '', 424, 443, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5628)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_278";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Esteban de Valencia', 'Steve R. Mohrer', '', 424, 459, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5629)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_279";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Rufus Tenstone', 'Dennis Brewer', '', 424, 457, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5630)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_280";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Amhran', 'Amhran', '', 520, 521, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5631)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_281";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Sheila of Roxbury Mill', 'Sheila Hadley', '', 2, 58, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5632)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_282";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Varghoss Atlason', 'Mower', '', 5, 134, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5633)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_283";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Olivia Magdalena de Haro', 'Haro', '', 5, 134, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5634)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_284";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Davyd Harrow', 'David C Barrow', 'Lord', 5, 98, 0, '0000-00-00', 'ater_seraph@yahoo.com', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5635)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_285";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('John Wayland', 'John Minard', 'Lord', 5, 98, 0, '0000-00-00', 'johnandtori@gmail.com', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5636)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_286";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Radu Dragomir', 'Chris Jenkins', '', 5, 98, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5637)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_287";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Thora Aldgudanasdottir', 'Dale Bouchard', '', 5, 104, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5638)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_288";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Ysmay Feythe', 'Sharon Bundy', '', 424, 440, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5639)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_289";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Zach of Many Arrows', 'Zachary Biggerstaff', '', 611, 629, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5640)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_290";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Rodri Glynglas', 'Ryan McElwain', '', 5, 152, 0, '0000-00-00', 'thegreenglen@gmail.com', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5641)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_291";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Rainvaig Ruriksdotter', 'Alyson Reavis', '', 5, 108, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5642)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_292";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Henry of Bohemia', 'Henry Jakl', '', 5, 106, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5643)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_293";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Tewl Gover', 'Douglas Jeffery', 'HL', 5, 850, 0, '0000-00-00', 'cardinal5290@gmail.com', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5644)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_294";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Dragos Pelikanos', 'Chuck Burke', '', 3, 84, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5645)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_295";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('AElfrida Rowan Dulcette', 'Jaissa maran-Kaiel', '', 3, 84, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5646)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_296";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Kylie of Coppertree', 'Kylie Spooner', '', 3, 84, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5647)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_297";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Wlfryd of Leeds', 'Reid Nelson', 'HL', 5, 130, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5648)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_298";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Claus', 'Claus Wolnowski', '', 5, 7, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5649)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_299";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Aurora Biggs', '', 5, 102, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5650)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_300";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Daniel Wallach', '', 3, 68, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5651)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_301";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Einarr Havarsson', 'Evan Natter', '', 3, 68, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5652)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_302";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Abby of Roxbury Mill', 'Averyl Minori', '', 2, 58, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5653)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_303";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Scott of Roxbury Mill', 'Scott Carter', '', 2, 58, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5654)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_304";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Heinric Yutzy', 'Glenn Bonadio', '', 611, 631, 198812, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5655)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_305";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Kylee Brown', '', 5, 102, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5656)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_306";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Simon Peregrine', 'Bob Wheeler', '', 3, 68, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5657)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_307";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Laura Winn', '', 3, 68, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5658)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_308";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Tina of Thescorre', 'Tina Wong', '', 3, 68, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5659)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_309";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Ellen', '', 3, 97, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5660)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_310";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Elen Woderose', 'Christina Wheeler', '', 3, 68, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5661)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_311";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Matt', '', 3, 68, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5662)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_312";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Rask Ulfbjorn', 'Dayrl Merrill', '', 194, 196, 0, '0000-00-00', 'dmerrill@omnicityusa.com', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5663)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_313";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Zuhiro', 'anon2', '', 194, 259, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5667)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_314";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('John Lynch of Andelcrag', 'anon', '', 194, 247, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5674)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_315";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Devon of Ayr', 'anon4', '', 194, 259, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5669)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_316";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Beardon de Bethrislope', 'anon5', '', 194, 259, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5670)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_317";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Benedek Regi Votona', 'Gabor Dobos', '', 194, 255, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5671)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_318";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Tiberius Alexander', 'anon7', '', 194, 259, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5672)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_319";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Talan of Ironwolf', 'Ron Gray', '', 194, 255, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5673)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_320";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Tacoga', 'anon8', '', 194, 259, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5675)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_321";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Colton', 'anon10', '', 194, 259, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5676)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_322";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('John of Altenburg', 'John', '', 194, 246, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5677)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_323";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Andres Joyce', 'Andrew Johnson', '', 2, 30, 0, '0000-00-00', 'andresandisobel@gmail.com', '7407071151', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5678)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_324";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Justin Turnley', '', 5, 102, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5679)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_325";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Gwendolyn', 'jayme holder', '', 5, 128, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5680)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_326";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Cassia Machiavelli', 'Kashie Harding', '', 5, 101, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5681)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_327";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Mordecai', 'Rick Slansky', '', 5, 106, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5682)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_328";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Astrid', 'Jordan Holder', '', 5, 128, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5683)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_329";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Wolfrik of Stegby', 'Trevor Connor', '', 720, 833, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5684)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_330";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Amalia Del Benino', 'Amber Stubbings', '', 720, 833, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5685)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_331";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Renee', 'Renee O', '', 5, 98, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5686)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_332";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Elenor of Ivyridge', 'Julie Rosqvist-Gerard', '', 5, 137, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5687)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_333";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Iain of Malagentia', 'Iain Odlin', 'Lord', 9, 563, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5688)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_334";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Adrienne d`Evreaux', 'Adrienne Odlin', 'Lady', 9, 563, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5689)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_335";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Heli Barrom', '', 720, 742, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5690)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_336";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Grimr', 'Mitchell De Vries', '', 720, 746, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5691)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_337";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Hugo Sasse', '', 720, 746, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5692)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_338";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Scientia', 'Katherine Rayner', '', 720, 746, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5693)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_339";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Sonia Gutierrez', '', 720, 742, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5694)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_340";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Alec Sander', 'Clark-Warner', '', 5, 148, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5695)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_341";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Margate verch Llywelyn', 'Michele Uhrich', 'Lady', 520, 537, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5696)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_342";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Ladi Katie', 'Katie Friend', '', 5, 98, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5698)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_343";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Aragon', 'Garret Friend', '', 5, 98, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5699)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_344";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Ashley', 'Ashley Friend', '', 5, 98, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5700)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_345";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Logan Anderson', 'Logan Anderson', '', 5, 98, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5701)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_346";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Hawk McLean', 'Hawk', 'Sir', 520, 536, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5702)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_347";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('YAllenna', 'Alley Baker', '', 611, 629, 147037, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5703)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_348";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Acacia Gryffyn', 'Tandy Graff', 'Viscountess', 5, 109, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5704)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_349";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Keziah', 'Carolyn Wallace', '', 5, 109, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5705)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_350";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Ziitos Turk', 'Andy Edwards', '', 5, 134, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5706)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_351";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Bjorn', 'Joshua Bold', '', 720, 742, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6691)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_352";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Thaddeus', 'Thaddeus Chambers', '', 5, 134, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5708)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_353";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Gabe Ledbury', 'Ledbury', '', 5, 109, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5709)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_354";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('A. J. of Delftwood', 'A. J. Moore', '', 3, 63, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5710)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_355";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Anna De Haro', 'Anna De Haro', '', 5, 134, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5711)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_356";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Thayne Pascubillo', '', 5, 102, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6690)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_357";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Katsumoto Kage', 'Tony Wolf', '', 5, 102, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5713)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_358";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Kevin Biggs', '', 5, 102, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5714)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_359";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Arsinoe of the Long Name', 'Sasha Balch', '', 3, 63, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5715)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_360";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Mikjal Bogmader', 'David Harvill', 'Lord', 9, 557, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5716)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_361";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Adrian of Sacred Stone', 'Adrian Alma', '', 2, 21, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5717)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_362";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Jandra', 'Andy', '', 5, 137, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5762)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_363";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Keagan Pellock', '', 5, 102, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5719)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_364";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Thorfinn Greybeard', 'Perry Wells', 'Master', 611, 623, 52534, '2013-10-31', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5720)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_365";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Nicolaau Machado', 'James Freville', '', 611, 624, 198668, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5721)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_366";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Mahowny', 'Carl Ingalsbe', '', 611, 616, 187764, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5722)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_367";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Jorunder', 'Jacob Parsons', '', 611, 616, 214767, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5723)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_368";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Farin le Breton', 'Lew Newby', 'Master', 611, 624, 95303, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5724)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_369";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Giovanni dell`Arco', 'Jonathan Satcher', 'Archos', 5, 99, 0, '0000-00-00', 'giovannidellarco@gmail.com', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5725)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_370";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Alexander of Isenfir', 'Alexander Oxford', '', 2, 57, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5726)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_371";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Chris of Isenfir', 'Chris Oxford', '', 2, 57, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5727)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_372";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Caerdic Aethalyce', 'Friend Ralph', '', 5, 108, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5728)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_373";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Pantar A Wulfgarson', 'Friend France', '', 5, 159, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5729)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_374";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Anastasia Hunter', 'Samantha Kiger', '', 5, 159, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5730)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_375";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Leuke', 'Friend Eason', '', 5, 108, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5731)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_376";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Khorakhan Saran', 'Melishe Finell', '', 5, 159, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5732)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_377";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Gaia Aurel Azianta', 'Friend Laurie', '', 5, 110, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5733)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_378";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Balthasar', 'Friend Koon', '', 5, 108, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5734)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_379";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Jen', 'Jen Hollingsworth', '', 5, 108, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5735)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_380";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Adora Dunlap', '', 5, 102, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5736)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_381";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Goerijs Goriszoon', 'Oscar van Loveren', 'Lord', 9, 595, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5737)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_382";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Arthur de Beaumont', 'Jasmin Bouchard', '', 9, 572, 0, '0000-00-00', 'arthur@brokenaxe.ca', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5738)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_383";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Jacob Bjornsson', 'Carl J. Hall', '', 5, 103, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5740)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_384";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Molly Bjornsdottir', 'Molly Hall', '', 5, 103, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5741)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_385";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Astrid of the Fjordlands', 'Kim Nickerson', '', 5, 109, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5742)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_386";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Tora Fransdottir', 'Diane Lillibridge', '', 5, 120, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5743)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_387";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Leith', 'Leith McG', '', 5, 165, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5744)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_388";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Bjorn Ulfsson', 'Carl Hall', '', 5, 103, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5745)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_389";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Xander', 'Coultas', '', 5, 129, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5746)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_390";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Geralt', 'Gravatt', '', 5, 134, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5747)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_391";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Deormund Wulfscyld', 'Randolph Dominic', 'CSC, Grandmaster Bowman', 9, 563, 0, '0000-00-00', 'rpdominic@yahoo.com', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5748)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_392";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Mungu Chinua', 'Gary Guarino', '', 9, 599, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5749)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_393";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Aaron the Arrowsmith', 'Paul Lamhut', '', 9, 592, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5750)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_394";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Radagast', 'Aaron Maher', '', 9, 559, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5751)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_395";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Hrothgar', 'Edgar', '', 5, 134, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5752)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_396";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Adam of Delftwood', 'Adam MacDeffie', '', 3, 63, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5753)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_397";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Avelina Keyes', 'Deanna Perry', 'Mistress', 9, 559, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5754)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_398";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Kirsa Oyutai', 'Mylène Bergeron Francoeur', '', 9, 577, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5755)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_399";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Yolente vander Brugghe', 'Geneviève Bournival', '', 9, 572, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5756)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_400";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Gnaeus Aurelius Andronicus', 'Jason Farrell', '', 9, 574, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5757)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_401";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Julien Pilon', '', 9, 572, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5758)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_402";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Lehanne de Bietage', 'Annie Malouin', 'Lady', 400, 420, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5759)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_403";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Bami', 'Daniel Fong', '', 2, 22, 0, '0000-00-00', 'danfong@gmail.com', '703 282 5931', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5765)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_404";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Amberlene', 'Amberlene Fong', '', 2, 22, 0, '0000-00-00', 'sanfeerah @gmail.com ', '540 246 1046', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5766)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_405";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Christina O` Cleary', 'Jessica Bags', 'THL', 2, 45, 0, '0000-00-00', 'divinite@sbcglobal.net', '3104807155', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5767)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_406";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Madic Montague', 'Jason Montney', '', 194, 263, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5768)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_407";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Joshua of Delftwood', 'Joshua Nicotra', '', 3, 63, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5786)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_408";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Sioda MacCraiobhan', 'Joseph B. Musumeci', '', 2, 16, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5770)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_409";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Gunther Von Lindenwald', 'Timothy Carter', '', 2, 18, 0, '0000-00-00', 'luminaebanis@hotmail.com', '7577530107', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5771)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_410";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Eli Thorinson', 'Eli Herchick', '', 194, 227, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5772)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_411";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Hildegarde filia Bertrandi', 'Sarah Woolley', '', 5, 103, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5773)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_412";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Johannes W', 'Dennis Hillers', '', 194, 255, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5774)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_413";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Noelle de la Plume', 'Samantha Scheltema', '', 194, 256, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5775)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_414";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Beorn of Darktree', 'Lester Watts', '', 194, 263, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5776)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_415";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Dana ni Cholium', 'Lynn', '', 194, 253, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5777)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_416";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Rurik Brathlid', 'Bill Gilson', '', 194, 256, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5778)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_417";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Issabell St. Charles', 'Stephanie Hoge', '', 424, 433, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5779)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_418";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Mevanou verch Reys Yrisleynit', 'Tina', '', 611, 631, 182733, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5780)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_419";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Daniel of Delftwood', 'Daniel Kranze', '', 3, 63, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5787)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_420";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Gerald de Huntington', 'Jerald Hemrich', '', 5, 159, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5788)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_421";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Gaius Octavius Lunaris', 'Octavian Dum', 'Lord', 5, 137, 0, '0000-00-00', 'octavian@silvermoondesigns.org', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5789)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_422";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Emily the Serf', 'Emily Sylvester', 'Lady', 5, 163, 0, '0000-00-00', 'emily.sylvester@gov.ab.ca', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5790)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_423";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Rachae of Dragon`s Bay', 'Benjamin Steele', '', 720, 736, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5791)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_424";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Sable Fogge', 'Jaclyn Fogg', '', 720, 736, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5792)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_425";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('India', 'India Jenkins', '', 5, 98, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5793)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_426";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Madelynn', 'Madelynn Jenkins', '', 5, 98, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5794)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_427";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Blake', 'Blake Friend', '', 5, 98, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5795)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_428";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Aydan', 'Aydan Friend', '', 5, 98, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5796)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_429";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Magnus Eiriksson', 'Paul Stubbings', 'Lord', 720, 833, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5797)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_430";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Rafail Boiak', 'Wolf Stubbings', 'Lord', 720, 833, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5798)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_431";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Domhnall MacCeallaigh', 'Daniel Tanner', '', 5, 108, 0, '0000-00-00', 'daniel.tanner51@gmail.com', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5799)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_432";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Erhart Elham', 'Michael Minihan', '', 5, 108, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5800)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_433";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Brenden Mac UnBHaird O`Brien', 'Brenden Gifford', '', 5, 110, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5801)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_434";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Earnan Parthalan', 'Aron Versteeg', '', 5, 108, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5802)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_435";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Aaron Windsong', 'Robert DeCarlo', '', 5, 6, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5803)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_436";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Dominique d`Alscace', 'Dominique Hoche', '', 3, 767, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5804)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_437";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Kezia von Holzenhaus', 'Sylvia Kostisin', '', 424, 429, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5805)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_438";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Clara of Shadowlands', 'Katie Scanlon', '', 192, 291, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5806)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_439";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Garrett of Shadowlands', 'Javier Diaz', '', 192, 291, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5807)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_440";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Patrick', 'Patrick Glass', '', 192, 291, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5808)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_441";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Anastasia', 'Ashley St. John', '', 192, 291, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5809)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_442";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Sarephen San of Dragar', 'Sarefine P. Green', '', 5, 145, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5810)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_443";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Deardre ni Phadraog ', 'Dea Potter', '', 5, 129, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5811)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_444";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Brian McBrindle', 'Brandon Quest', '', 5, 98, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5812)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_445";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Decimus Valai', 'Andrew Long', '', 5, 98, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5813)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_446";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Ansgar', 'Andrew Knowles', '', 5, 99, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5814)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_447";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Garnock', 'Rich Knowles', '', 5, 99, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5815)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_448";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Halawa al-Waddi', 'Bethany Dukellis', '', 5, 99, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5816)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_449";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Klaufi Hafrssonn', 'Claw Kelsay', 'His Lordship', 5, 105, 0, '0000-00-00', 'antirclaw@gmail.com', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5817)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_450";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Fido (Phydeaux) Weir', 'Robert Anderson', '', 5, 99, 0, '0000-00-00', 'phydeaux121@yahoo.com', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5818)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_451";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Samira al-Waddi', 'Melody Anderson', '', 5, 99, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5819)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_452";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Marcovaldo Ursini', 'Chris Lightfoot', '', 5, 100, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5820)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_453";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Alejandro Mofioso', 'Xander Coultas', '', 5, 129, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5821)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_454";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Amber of House Awry', 'Amber Posten', 'Lady', 5, 102, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5822)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_455";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Eoigah', 'Anthony Buchanan', '', 5, 102, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5823)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_456";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Justin of House Awry', 'Justin McCarthy', 'Lord', 5, 102, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5824)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_457";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Conrad Ross', 'Brian Chamberlin', 'HL', 5, 102, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5825)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_458";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Neoptolemus', 'Joshua Smith', 'Lord', 5, 102, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5826)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_459";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Ivan Leskov', 'Tim Dybedal', '', 5, 139, 0, '0000-00-00', 'leskov.armor@gmail.com', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5827)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_460";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Laurin of Rosewood', 'L.G. Onstead', '', 5, 139, 0, '0000-00-00', 'antirfluff@hotmail.com', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5828)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_461";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Josephus Romanus', 'Jerrett Fryberger', '', 5, 140, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5829)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_462";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Nathanael Lekarev', 'Phil Cohen', '', 5, 105, 0, '0000-00-00', 'Pncohen@yahoo.com', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5830)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_463";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Rafi', 'Rafi Wainhouse', '', 5, 105, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5831)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_464";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Stefan of Pembroke', 'Sean Bjers', '', 5, 105, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5832)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_465";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Crioustal Sealgaire', 'Christopher Blair', '', 5, 152, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5833)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_466";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Etole Marchant', 'Robin Begin', 'Archos', 5, 152, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5834)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_467";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Seamus Pollock', 'unknown', '', 5, 152, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5835)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_468";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Edmund Scrymgeour', 'Tracy Kiger', '', 5, 159, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5836)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_469";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Vidaar Huguun', 'Lloyd Dieckman', '', 5, 826, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5837)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_470";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Kayla Enright ', '', 5, 110, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5838)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_471";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Aibinn Ingen Hui Neill', 'Cynthia Malain ', '', 5, 110, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5839)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_472";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Aidan', 'Leeroy Road', '', 5, 110, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5840)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_473";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Gannon ap Hylen', 'Gannon Lewallen', '', 5, 105, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5844)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_474";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Lane Rimbey ', '', 5, 110, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5842)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_475";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Onora Inghean Chormaic', 'Darcie Gutierrez', '', 5, 124, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5843)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_476";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Jason Shewley', '', 2, 53, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6733)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_477";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Leyli Shakavi', 'Pam Cole', '', 424, 429, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5846)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_478";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Khuden Volkov', 'Matt Cole', '', 424, 429, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5847)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_479";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Saito Takauji', 'Matt Packer', '', 424, 429, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5848)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_480";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Faolan MacRanald', 'Jude Stopford', '', 2, 11, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5849)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_481";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Edmund of Pennington', 'Jacob Pennington', '', 380, 390, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5850)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_482";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Atgeir', 'Jesse McMinn', '', 611, 613, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5851)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_483";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Mary House', '', 611, 613, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5852)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_484";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Daniel Bowthief', 'Dan Tersmette', '', 5, 106, 0, '0000-00-00', 'dan.tersmette@gmail.com', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5853)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_485";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Dave of Red Mountain', 'Dave Richards', '', 2, 57, 0, '0000-00-00', 'celith@gmail.com', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5854)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_486";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Matthew of Isenfir', 'Matthew Mendoza', '', 2, 57, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5855)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_487";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Sadhbh Diarmuid', 'Leigh Wooldridge', '', 2, 37, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5856)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_488";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'William Larkin', '', 2, 11, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5857)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_489";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Brandwyn Alsten', 'Stella Fullmer', '', 4, 167, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5858)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_490";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Annona', 'Karissa A Phillips', '', 4, 171, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5859)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_491";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Benjamin of Pennington', 'Benjamin Pennington', '', 380, 390, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5860)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_492";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Torann', 'Torann Mecham', '', 5, 163, 0, '0000-00-00', 'btmecham@telusplanet.net', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5861)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_493";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Usidean McClean', 'Andrew Tudor', '', 194, 196, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5862)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_494";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Sinn Karren', 'Melissa Tudor', '', 194, 196, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5863)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_495";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Joan of Afonlyn', 'Joan Boutwell', '', 194, 196, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5864)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_496";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Rebekah of Afonlyn', 'Rebekah Boutwell', '', 194, 196, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5865)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_497";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Mokii', 'Kevin Langley', '', 4, 167, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5866)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_498";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Strange', 'Alex Lindstedt', '', 4, 179, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5867)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_499";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Dalkr', 'Chuck Dale', '', 4, 179, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5868)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_500";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Rose', 'Kayla Lindstedt', '', 4, 167, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5869)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_501";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Uhtred', 'Joshua Forrest', '', 4, 179, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5870)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_502";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Gwendolynn', 'Jenifer Junowski', '', 4, 179, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5871)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_503";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Brunn', 'Brendan Alvarez', '', 192, 291, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5872)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_504";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Alexander MacGill', 'Kenneth McClain', '', 192, 291, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5873)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_505";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Mary', 'Mary Willis', '', 192, 291, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5874)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_506";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Caleb', 'Caleb Johnson', '', 380, 381, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5875)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_507";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Tarren Llywarch', 'Valerie Blanchard', '', 4, 825, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5876)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_508";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Jacques of St Basil', 'Jacques Jenkins', '', 720, 748, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5877)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_509";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Charles O`Brien', '', 4, 170, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5878)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_510";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Christina La Rocca', '', 4, 170, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5879)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_511";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'TJ Becker', '', 5, 134, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5880)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_512";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Amanda Gribble', '', 5, 134, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5881)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_513";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Dammo Utwiler', 'Dammo Utwiler', '', 424, 450, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5882)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_514";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Donald MacDonald', 'Jeremy Bullins', '', 424, 440, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5883)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_515";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Hugh du Puy', 'Hugh du Puy', '', 424, 431, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5884)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_516";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Mael-Duin mac Eochada hui Chon Mara', 'Mael-Duin', '', 424, 453, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5885)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_517";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Katherine de Lorraine', 'Katherine de Lorraine', '', 424, 453, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5886)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_518";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Stanislaus Blachuta', 'Stanislaus Blachuta', '', 424, 450, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5887)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_519";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Anne Renard', 'Anne Renard', '', 424, 454, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5888)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_520";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Cadlae Locha Erne', 'Cadlae Locha Erne', '', 424, 453, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5889)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_521";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Emeline de Moulineaux', 'Erin Mulinax', '', 424, 450, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5890)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_522";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Brian of Loch Rannoch', 'Brian of Loch Rannoch', '', 424, 450, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5891)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_523";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Magdelena Vander Meere', 'Nancee Beattie', '', 424, 450, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5892)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_524";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Augustin the Blind', 'Augustin the Blind', '', 424, 429, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5893)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_525";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Dianaim of Mag Mor', 'Dianaim of Mag Mor', '', 424, 430, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5894)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_526";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Franz Johann Gottskrieger', 'Franz Johann Gottskrieger', '', 424, 450, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5895)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_527";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Hirsch Eichmann', 'Hirsch Eichmann', '', 424, 450, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5896)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_528";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Yoichi of Mag Mor', 'Patrick McMurray', '', 424, 430, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5897)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_529";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Fiondel Songspinner', 'Fiondel Songspinner', '', 424, 450, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5898)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_530";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Gobban Mac Roibeard', 'Justin McRobie', '', 424, 446, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5899)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_531";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Josef von Rothenburg', 'Josef von Rothenburg', '', 424, 450, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5900)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_532";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Vakri Voldrickrson', 'Vakri Voldrickrson', '', 424, 428, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5901)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_533";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Leopold Heimrich von Rufkhar', 'Leopold Heimrich von Rufkhar', '', 424, 459, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5902)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_534";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Robert Brockman', 'Phil Wright', '', 424, 461, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5903)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_535";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Judith of Three Rivers', 'Judith of Three Rivers', '', 424, 450, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5904)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_536";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Hajime Sakurai', 'Hajime Sakurai', '', 424, 443, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5905)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_537";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Rebecca Beaumont', 'Paige Rogers', '', 424, 458, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5906)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_538";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Galen MacColmain', 'Galen MacColmain', '', 424, 433, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5907)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_539";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('William Fletcher of Carbery', 'William Fletcher of Carbery', '', 424, 435, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5908)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_540";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Juliana Macnayre', 'Juliana Macnayre', '', 424, 435, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5909)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_541";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Michael Nymandus von Falkenburg', 'Michael Nymandus von Falkenburg', '', 424, 429, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5910)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_542";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Sabine Barclay', 'Rebecka Wyrde', '', 424, 450, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5911)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_543";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Rhodri Ap Hywel', 'Rhodri Ap Hywel', '', 424, 426, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5912)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_544";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Johan Berger', 'Johan Berger', '', 424, 435, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5913)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_545";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Tigernan Otterburn', 'Casey Abel', '', 424, 427, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5914)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_546";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Iaan Sorenson', 'Ian Abel', '', 424, 427, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5915)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_547";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Catalina de Arazuri', 'December Montecino', '', 424, 461, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5916)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_548";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Felix Feyrer', 'Felix Feyrer', '', 424, 429, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5917)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_549";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Damien MacGavin', 'Adam Hoge', '', 424, 433, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5918)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_550";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Jean-Pierre Colbert', 'Blaine Herbert', '', 5, 103, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5919)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_551";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Jacobus filius Carolus', 'Carl Jacob Hall', '', 5, 103, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5920)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_552";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Tymm Gard', 'Tim Lam', 'Sir', 4, 167, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5921)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_553";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Christophe Beck', 'Christopher Smith', '', 4, 168, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5922)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_554";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Y Port Lairge', 'Chris Hurlbert', '', 611, 629, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5923)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_555";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'theresa meigs', '', 5, 102, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5924)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_556";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Bairfhionn O`Canannain', 'John Cannon', '', 5, 102, 0, '0000-00-00', 'izzex.elf@gmail.com', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5926)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_557";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Elisabeth Trostin', 'Lisa Bundrick', '', 5, 102, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5927)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_558";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Torfi Haegrson', 'David Fadley', '', 5, 154, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5928)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_559";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Emir Andar', 'Dale Roderick', '', 5, 154, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5929)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_560";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Elisee de Calais', 'Sharon Vickrey', 'Her Excellency the Baroness of al-Barran', 611, 629, 101531, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5930)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_561";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Bamba MacDermot', 'Dawn Fry', '', 424, 427, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5931)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_562";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Edward Logan de Munro', 'Dean Mehling', '', 424, 427, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5932)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_563";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Margery of Penrith', 'Leanne Nelms Nuckolls', '', 424, 453, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5933)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_564";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Eony Sjona', 'Alicia Glessner', '', 424, 427, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5934)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_565";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Halldor Skaptason', 'Robert Akey', '', 424, 457, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5935)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_566";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Gwendolen of CairnRyan', 'Gwen Akey', '', 424, 457, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5936)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_567";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Robert Cotter', 'Elizar', '', 424, 427, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5937)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_568";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Sibilla Lytelgrom', 'Sheri Halphin', '', 424, 427, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5938)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_569";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Albertus von Feuchtwagen', 'Denny Newman', '', 194, 270, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5939)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_570";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Killian O`Conaill', 'Killian O`Conaill', '', 424, 458, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5940)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_571";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Hanne Abendschein', 'Deb Johnoff', '', 424, 459, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5941)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_572";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Eldgrimr Shieldbiter', 'L. Kirkpatrick', '', 5, 110, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5942)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_573";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Augusto giuseppe da San Donato', 'Joseph R. Piselli Jr.', 'Maestro', 3, 70, 0, '0000-00-00', 'Bladenjoe@roadrunner.com', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5943)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_574";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Antoine Leroux', 'Doug Jones', '', 611, 634, 213772, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5944)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_575";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Elmindreda', 'Rebecca K. Shaw', '', 611, 634, 216428, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5945)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_576";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Caleb Reynolds', 'Caleb Ronson', '', 3, 66, 0, '0000-00-00', 'jcronson@verizon.net', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5946)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_577";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Trahearn ap Iestin', 'Fischer', '', 5, 110, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5947)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_578";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('James of Odo', 'Jim Pickette', '', 424, 429, 0, '0000-00-00', 'pickette@windstream.net', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5948)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_579";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Colin Ursell', 'Bryan Krauthamer', 'Lord', 9, 315, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5949)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_580";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Robin Duck', 'Robin Friend', '', 5, 98, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5950)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_581";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Emma the Pixie', 'Emma Cook', '', 194, 263, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5951)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_582";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Isibe`l Sullivan', 'Morgan Sullivan', '', 611, 616, 215938, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5952)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_583";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Charles Pluto', '', 3, 65, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5953)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_584";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Fridrich Narre', 'Michael Fink', 'Lord', 2, 16, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5954)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_585";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Kristen of Dragons Bay', 'Kristen Blake', '', 720, 736, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5955)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_586";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Emmilina of Champagne', 'Juanita Fishwick', '', 720, 736, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5956)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_587";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Oswald of Dragons Bay', 'Mason Kilian', '', 720, 736, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5957)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_588";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Dudley of Dragon`s Bay', 'Jake Fishwick', '', 720, 736, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5958)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_589";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Jae of Stierbach', 'Jae Robert', '', 2, 22, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5959)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_590";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Robert the Scot', 'Robert Botkin', '', 424, 440, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5960)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_591";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Black Leg Gilman', 'Reza Gilman', '', 424, 457, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5961)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_592";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Karl', 'Nikolas Kosse', '', 424, 457, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5962)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_593";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Robert the Alchemist', 'Robert Rider', '', 720, 742, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7343)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_594";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Triona DeMere', 'Tovi Naff', '', 5, 125, 0, '0000-00-00', 'bluesagecreations@yahoo.com', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5964)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_595";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Ann of Whaleshavan', 'Anne', '', 317, 336, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5965)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_596";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Arthur Mcselin', 'Tyler', '', 317, 334, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5966)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_597";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Nina of the Lost Caverns', 'Kim Schreuders', 'Mistress', 192, 291, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5967)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_598";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Theophanes', 'Bryan Wagner', '', 192, 291, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5968)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_599";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Julius', 'Julian Roth', '', 5, 106, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5969)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_600";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Yeke Karvaach', 'Steven Ameigh', '', 2, 21, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5970)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_601";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Kyle Fullerton', '', 611, 613, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5971)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_602";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Megan A. Paul', '', 194, 200, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5972)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_603";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Garrett Lee', '', 194, 200, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5973)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_604";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Caroline Ehlhardt', '', 194, 200, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5974)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_605";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Nicholas Bannister-Andrews', '', 194, 200, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5975)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_606";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Bri-Anne Andriessen', '', 194, 200, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5976)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_607";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Behdad Tahayori', '', 194, 200, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5977)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_608";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Kynric de Coventry', 'Cy Oresman', '', 520, 527, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5978)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_609";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Til the Lucky', 'Bruce Miller', '', 520, 527, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5979)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_610";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Rachel Miller', 'Rachel Miller', '', 520, 527, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5980)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_611";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Johann Pfeilmacher', 'John Fredenberg', '', 520, 530, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5981)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_612";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Merglin Fuchsyn', 'Claudia Walter', '', 520, 530, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5982)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_613";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Ruaidri Campbell', 'Dennis Walter', '', 520, 530, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5983)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_614";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Seth Fletcher', 'Russell Fitzpatrick', '', 520, 530, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5984)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_615";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('James Fredenberg', 'James Fredenberg', '', 520, 530, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5985)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_616";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Louise Waterson', '', 720, 742, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5986)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_617";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Judith Colman', '', 720, 742, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5987)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_618";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Nani of Middle Gate ', 'Nani Allen ', '', 2, 37, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5988)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_619";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Raine', 'Stephanie Morel', '', 192, 291, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5989)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_620";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Tamsyn Sutherland', 'Tammy Anderson', '', 520, 536, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5990)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_621";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('William Thorsson', 'T. William Anderson', 'Lord', 520, 536, 0, '0000-00-00', 'twilliamanderson@gmail.com', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5991)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_622";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Annora the Wise', 'Patti Kroger', '', 520, 527, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5992)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_623";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Robert the Red', 'Robert Huff', '', 192, 289, 0, '0000-00-00', 'r3d.huff@outlook.com', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5993)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_624";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Dumm Son of Fergus', 'None', '', 465, 503, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5994)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_625";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Clayton Taylor', 'None', '', 5, 102, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5995)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_626";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('James of Goldenholt', 'None', '', 465, 481, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5996)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_627";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Rubin of Wintermist', 'None2', '', 465, 503, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5997)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_628";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('George Huntsman', 'George', '', 465, 503, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5998)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_629";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Gabe Dillon', '', 4, 167, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 5999)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_630";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Kevin Casandey', '', 4, 167, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6000)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_631";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Jonthan Strange', 'Alexander', '', 4, 172, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6001)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_632";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Elena Lovell', 'Dixie Hellwig', '', 4, 824, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6002)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_633";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Ana Valdes', '', 4, 167, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6003)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_634";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Evane', '', 4, 167, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6004)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_635";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'James Lavengood', '', 4, 169, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6005)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_636";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Atsumori', 'Merle Richardson', 'Lord', 424, 440, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6006)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_637";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Luciana Pesce', 'Jennifer Ball', '', 192, 289, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6007)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_638";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Steffen Winter von Rosenheim', 'Steve Frey', '', 2, 20, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6008)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_639";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Clare Sherwood', 'Donna McClure', '', 2, 20, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6009)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_640";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Lucy of Smithshall', 'Susan Leavitt', '', 2, 20, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6010)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_641";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Kloe of Thira', 'Amanda Zeitler', 'Lady', 5, 102, 0, '0000-00-00', 'kloeofthira@gmail.com', '3605512620', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6011)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_642";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Krystal', 'Topaz', '', 5, 98, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6012)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_643";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Cerridwen verch Iorewood', 'Jamie Pience', '', 194, 228, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6013)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_644";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Caoilfhionn Inghean Aindriasa', 'Stephanie Dierker', '', 194, 227, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6014)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_645";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Sarah Whitacre', '', 194, 200, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6015)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_646";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Peter Grau von Bremen', 'Paul Friebus', '', 194, 200, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6016)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_647";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Justin of Hellsgate', 'Justin Hammonds', '', 192, 289, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6017)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_648";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Zagel Fenstmacher Baumann', 'James Hartman', '', 192, 296, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6018)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_649";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Lazarus Heidwolf von Robel', 'Robert Keese', '', 192, 296, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6019)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_650";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Kurosh al-Din', 'Cyrus Mallison', '', 192, 302, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6020)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_651";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Coel Hen', 'Treigh Hubbard', '', 192, 289, 0, '0000-00-00', 'tdhubbard3k@gmail.com', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6021)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_652";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Leon Donne', 'David Dunaway', '', 192, 296, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6022)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_653";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Haraldr Bassi', 'Dave Calafrancesco', '', 192, 296, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6023)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_654";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Tobuscus of Fynnon Gath', 'Toby Dunagan', '', 192, 293, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6024)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_655";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Dante Regusa', 'Patrick Rinato', '', 192, 289, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6025)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_656";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Dafydd ap Tomas', 'David Edwards', 'Lord', 465, 481, 0, '0000-00-00', 'davidedw@sbcglobal.net', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6026)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_657";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Caterina Giovanni di` Gilead', 'Kirsten Pupek', 'Baroness', 192, 285, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6027)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_658";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Andrew', 'Andrew Friend', '', 5, 98, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6028)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_659";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Fingin ua Lorccain', 'Brian Mansfield', '', 465, 481, 0, '0000-00-00', 'Susieedw@sbcglobal.net', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6029)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_660";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Konrad von Alpirsbach', 'Casey Thornton', '', 611, 612, 213080, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6030)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_661";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Angharat', 'Jonnalyhn', '', 5, 100, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6031)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_662";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Sigbiorn Sigmundarson', 'Victor Lockhoff', '', 465, 481, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6032)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_663";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Felix Touza', '', 465, 481, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6033)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_664";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Astrid Skalphaena', 'Amber Ciancio', '', 465, 481, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6034)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_665";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Caroline Canfield', '', 465, 481, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6035)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_666";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Etain Morgan', 'Mari Hasheme', '', 465, 481, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6036)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_667";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Alice Upton', 'Tessa Oberle', 'Lady', 465, 481, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6037)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_668";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Muriel O`Dooley', 'Marianne Oberle', 'Lady', 465, 481, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6038)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_669";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Juliana de Ellesmere', 'Susie Edwards', '', 465, 481, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6039)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_670";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Lu Tao-Ying', 'Alex Howland', '', 465, 481, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6040)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_671";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Freidrich von Steinwald', 'Ryan Upton', '', 465, 481, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6041)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_672";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Jacquemart de Galion', 'Anthony Chapman', '', 720, 834, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6042)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_673";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Storm Sternberg', '', 5, 165, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6043)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_674";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Magnus Stonesetter', 'Aaron Burt', '', 520, 527, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6044)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_675";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Organa of Shadowlands', 'Antonaya Dschida', '', 192, 291, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6045)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_676";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Elizabeth of Shadowlands', 'Lizzi Schmidt', '', 192, 291, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6046)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_677";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Coblaith of Dal Riata', 'Elizabeth Redding', '', 2, 13, 0, '0000-00-00', 'greenleafguru@gmail.com', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6047)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_678";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Nicholas of Dal Riata', 'Nicholas Guttenberg', '', 2, 13, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6048)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_679";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Lisa', 'Lisa Orick-Martinez', '', 611, 629, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6049)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_680";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Trent Telamon', 'Robert Zeitler', '', 5, 102, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6050)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_681";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Jean Andre Breye', 'James A. Boeye Sr.', 'THL', 504, 505, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6051)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_682";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Scott Holley', '', 5, 106, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6052)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_683";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Elizabeth Tink Harrington', '', 4, 168, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6053)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_684";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Eldon Ungol', 'kelly moorman', 'Sir', 4, 168, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6054)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_685";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Galin Ridleye', 'Gregory Reeder', '', 194, 273, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6055)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_686";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Olafr Starkadsson', 'Anton Berg', '', 2, 39, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6056)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_687";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Talan Gof', 'Daniel Morgan', '', 2, 39, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6057)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_688";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Iollann of Glencain', 'Norma Dooley', '', 2, 34, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6058)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_689";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Diane Rudik', '', 2, 34, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6059)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_690";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Cullen', '', 2, 39, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6060)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_691";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Tassin Naveyier', 'jason hescheles', '', 2, 25, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6061)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_692";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Retcar', 'Carter Brown', '', 2, 27, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6062)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_693";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Nemet Arpad', 'Bernhard Rohrer', 'Lord', 768, 769, 0, '0000-00-00', 'graylion@sm-wg.net', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6063)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_694";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Aódh Ó Siadhail', 'Drew Shiel', '', 768, 769, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6064)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_695";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Eoghan of Lough Denaree', 'Eoughan Brophy', '', 768, 769, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6065)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_696";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Tristram Darras', 'Tristram Bone', '', 9, 543, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6066)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_697";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Cathleen Thomlinson', 'Jana Clark', '', 4, 168, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6067)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_698";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('DBA Jonathas', 'DBA James Kriebel', 'DBA', 610, 829, 0, '0000-00-00', 'Jonathas@RedFoxDen.org', '240-682-9803', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6068)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_699";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Anabel la Clergess', 'Jennifer Abamonte', '', 611, 612, 214154, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6070)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_700";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Timothy MacGregor', 'Tim Davis', '', 611, 612, 213482, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6071)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_701";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Dagmaer Hroaldsdottir', 'Erika Price', '', 2, 35, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6072)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_702";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Einarr inn Danski', 'Chris DiFoggio', 'Lord', 2, 27, 0, '0000-00-00', 'cdifoggio@yahoo.com', '910-527-6371', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6073)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_703";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Elionora O`Rourke', 'Makaela O`Rourke', '', 5, 98, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6074)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_704";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Cody', 'Michael `Cody` Boardman', '', 5, 98, 0, '0000-00-00', 'MCBoardman@live.com', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6075)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_705";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Andrew Newbow', 'Andrew Friend Cody', '', 5, 98, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6076)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_706";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Roy', 'Roy Rash', '', 611, 617, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6077)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_707";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Asher', 'Asher', '', 5, 98, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6078)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_708";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Dafydd Morrison', 'James Swayze', '', 611, 617, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6079)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_709";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Angharat very Reynulf', 'Jonnalynn Wolfcat Prill', 'Lady', 5, 100, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6080)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_710";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Bjorn Helgason', 'Dick Bull', '', 317, 334, 0, '0000-00-00', 'rbull41@comcast.net', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6081)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_711";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Ivan Birdsong', 'Ken Semanels', '', 5, 102, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6082)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_712";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Seamus Pollack', 'Brian Pollack', '', 5, 152, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6083)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_713";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Thane', 'Chris Olson', '', 5, 99, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6084)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_714";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Criostal Sealgaire', 'Chris Blair', '', 5, 152, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6085)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_715";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Martin Whistler', 'Jim Oakden', '', 317, 322, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6087)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_716";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Rowan Marie', 'Rowan Hershberger', '', 192, 289, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6088)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_717";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('John of Bryn Gwlad', 'John Lubenow', '', 192, 289, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6089)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_718";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Cullen Kerr', 'Aaron Hudson', '', 5, 152, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6090)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_719";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Sophia Aland', 'Rachel Pollack', '', 5, 152, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6091)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_720";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Arthur MacFealan', 'tylor spicer', '', 317, 334, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6092)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_721";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('josie', 'Josie taylor', '', 317, 334, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6093)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_722";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Katlin of Shadowlands', 'Katlin', '', 192, 291, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6094)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_723";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Skalla of House Awry', 'Kathryn Latina-Able', '', 5, 102, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6095)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_724";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Alain de Chatillion', 'Matt Harris', '', 192, 289, 0, '0000-00-00', 'teshunkawitko@yahoo.com', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6096)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_725";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Marcus of Bryn Glwad', 'Marcus Huff', '', 192, 289, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6097)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_726";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Kathryn of Bryn Gwlad', 'Kathryn Lebenow', '', 192, 289, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6098)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_727";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Aye der Dunkele Rotvogel', 'Lindsey Byrd', '', 2, 11, 0, '0000-00-00', 'tbird278@gmail.com', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6099)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_728";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Daymond', 'Joseph Gear', '', 317, 334, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6100)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_729";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Gregory of Dragon`s Bay', 'Greg Hill', '', 720, 736, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6101)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_730";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Colleen of Dragon`s Bay', 'Colleen Haase', '', 720, 736, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6102)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_731";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Skolis-Ulf', 'Michael Dale', '', 4, 179, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6103)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_732";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Albreda of Uffington', 'Kami Landy', '', 4, 167, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6104)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_733";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Stephanie Boothby', '', 4, 167, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6105)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_734";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Charles Boothby', '', 4, 167, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6106)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_735";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Aldritch', 'Chris', '', 192, 193, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6107)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_736";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Gunnarr Erikson', 'Randy Glatch', '', 611, 626, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6108)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_737";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Luc', 'Luke Glatch', '', 611, 626, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6109)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_738";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Hakim Ibin Suleiman', 'Mika Epstein', '', 465, 481, 0, '0000-00-00', 'hivemind@consensualreality.net', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6111)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_739";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Gregor am Turic', 'Greg Lockie', '', 465, 481, 0, '0000-00-00', 'greg@shinai.org', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6112)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_740";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Richard of Gyldenholt', 'Rick Ruotolo', '', 465, 481, 0, '0000-00-00', 'rick@rick-r.com', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6113)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_741";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Mark of Gyldenholt', 'Mark McGahey', '', 465, 481, 0, '0000-00-00', 'mmcgahey007@gmail.com', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6114)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_742";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Keinvryd farch Talan', 'Stephanie Shay', '', 465, 481, 0, '0000-00-00', 'stduck@hotmail.com', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6115)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_743";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('D`vorah bint Da`ud', 'Judith Epstein', '', 465, 481, 0, '0000-00-00', 'hivemind@consensualreality.net', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6116)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_744";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Bruce the Archer', 'Bruce Bloomster', '', 465, 466, 0, '0000-00-00', 'rebloomster@verizon.com', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6117)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_745";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Hugh ap Rhys', 'David Price', '', 465, 484, 0, '0000-00-00', 'fletchersflight@gmail.com', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6118)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_746";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Ezabel de Vaux', 'Kathy Ayala', '', 611, 612, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6119)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_747";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Chris Ayala', '', 611, 612, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6120)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_748";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Ken Gandy', '', 611, 612, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6121)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_749";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Rae Gandy', '', 611, 612, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6122)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_750";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Willow Gandy', '', 611, 612, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6123)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_751";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Kennon Gandy', '', 611, 612, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6124)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_752";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Crispin Crispian', 'Kevin Smith', '', 2, 54, 0, '0000-00-00', 'kevinsmith5@me.com', '2526172097', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6125)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_753";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Joseph of Isenfir', 'Joe', '', 2, 57, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6126)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_754";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Hannah Nickelson', '', 5, 98, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6127)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_755";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Marc Hicks', '', 5, 98, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6128)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_756";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Molly Friend', '', 5, 98, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6129)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_757";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Alan Bowyer', 'Alan Friend', '', 5, 98, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6130)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_758";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Nate King', '', 2, 13, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6131)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_759";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Jon Thomme de Claydon ', 'Tom Ream', 'Baron', 465, 484, 0, '0000-00-00', 'jonthomme@gmail.com', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6132)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_760";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Safiyya', 'Ariane Formosa', '', 720, 746, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6133)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_761";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Kathryn Tarr ', '', 2, 45, 0, '0000-00-00', 'lunabelle0@yahoo.com', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6134)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_762";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Damiana Morena ', 'Danielle Willgruber ', '', 2, 22, 0, '0000-00-00', 'willgruber@gmail.com', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6135)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_763";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Jillian Harris', '', 4, 168, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6136)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_764";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Alfric Northwind', 'Alyn Jackson', '', 4, 174, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6137)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_765";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Eithne ni Cailean', 'Drusilla Jackson', 'Baroness', 4, 173, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6138)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_766";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Evan Lefevre ', '', 2, 22, 0, '0000-00-00', 'elefevreV@gmail.com', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6139)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_767";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Ulfarr Refskegg ', 'Montgomery Myers ', '', 2, 45, 0, '0000-00-00', 'MWWarlord1701@gamil.com', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6140)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_768";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Sara van Eerde ', 'Jennefer Hofstee ', '', 2, 45, 0, '0000-00-00', 'sarathenailbender@aol.com', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6141)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_769";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Ingrid Bjornsdottir', 'Melanie Black', '', 192, 297, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6142)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_770";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."(' Adelwyn Atewattere ', 'Amy Hoffman', 'Lady', 465, 471, 0, '0000-00-00', 'archery@calafia.org', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6143)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_771";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Robin Greenwood of Arden', 'Greg Bell', 'AoA', 465, 484, 0, '0000-00-00', 'gbell101@gmail.com', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6144)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_772";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Oshi', 'John Sellers', '', 2, 21, 0, '0000-00-00', 'oshi@triad.rr.com', '3367699130', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6145)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_773";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Kazetani Kiyotora', 'Sara Luebke', '', 465, 494, 0, '0000-00-00', 'kazoku.kazetani@gmail.com', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6146)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_774";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Rekon of Saaremaa', 'Kirsten O`Brien', '', 465, 477, 0, '0000-00-00', 'kirstenmae@gmail.com', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6147)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_775";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Gendu Secen', 'Gabriel Arndt', '', 465, 467, 0, '0000-00-00', 'chuanyungchien@yahoo.com', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6148)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_776";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Robert Johnston', '', 317, 322, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6149)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_777";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Charles Stone', '', 317, 322, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6150)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_778";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Robyn Taylor', 'Susan Merritt', '', 317, 328, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6151)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_779";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Neil Greenstone', 'Brian O`Neill', 'Baron', 317, 322, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6152)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_780";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Mikhaila de Berry', 'Michelle Levy', '', 317, 322, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6153)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_781";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Jeanette Bois DÁrc', 'Janet Vernon', '', 317, 319, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6154)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_782";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Alaine ni Deorin', 'Lori Disposti', '', 317, 377, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6155)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_783";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Chris Bipes', '', 317, 336, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6156)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_784";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Kim Bipes', '', 317, 336, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6157)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_785";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Katie Bipes', '', 317, 379, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6158)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_786";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Eleanor atte Walter de Liverpoole', 'Rose Kaye', '', 317, 377, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6159)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_787";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('William atte Walter de Liverpoole', 'Paul Kaye', '', 317, 377, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6160)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_788";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Rhys Gethin', 'Rhys Moore', '', 317, 322, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6161)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_789";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Aria of Hawks Haven', 'Aracelis Viera', '', 317, 324, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6162)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_790";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Hrafna-Kára', 'Mary Burak', '', 317, 332, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6163)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_791";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Isabel Hernández', '', 317, 322, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6164)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_792";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Glenn ap Rhys', 'Glenn Moore', '', 317, 322, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6165)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_793";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Rhiannon Kaye', '', 317, 377, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6166)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_794";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Hayes Delezene', '', 317, 324, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6167)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_795";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Angel Kaye', '', 317, 377, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6168)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_796";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Kai Alexander', 'Kai Wheeler', '', 720, 833, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6170)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_797";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Jeanne of Oldenfeld', 'Mary Williams', '', 4, 170, 0, '0000-00-00', 'mcw11f@my.fsu.edu', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6377)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_798";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Gilfridus of Merewyke', 'Geoff King', '', 720, 743, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6171)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_799";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Astrid Alexander', 'Gypsy Gallagher', '', 720, 743, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6172)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_800";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Jos of St Albans', 'Josh Wilson', '', 3, 62, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6173)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_801";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Alrick', 'Dave', '', 3, 96, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6174)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_802";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Ian Preston', '', 3, 93, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6175)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_803";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Sarah', 'Sarah Piecknick', '', 3, 827, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6176)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_804";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Rob', 'Rob Milhlan', '', 3, 827, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6177)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_805";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Hagar the Blushing', 'Trevor Ellis', '', 3, 62, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6178)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_806";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Dave of Crois Brigte', 'Dave Butterbough', '', 2, 33, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6179)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_807";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Buddy of Crois Brigte', 'Buddy Butterbaugh', '', 2, 33, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6180)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_808";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Rose of Crois Brigte', 'Donna', '', 2, 33, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6181)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_809";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Richard', 'Richard Simpson', '', 2, 45, 0, '0000-00-00', 'rsimpson1022@gmail.com', '540-848-4184', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6182)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_810";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Arianna', '', 194, 200, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6183)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_811";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Chris Floyd', '', 611, 613, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6184)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_812";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Stanley', 'Stanley Whitedog', '', 5, 98, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6185)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_813";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Augustus Wittlesbach', 'Craig Newhouse', '', 465, 484, 0, '0000-00-00', 'arjuna2616@aol.com', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6186)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_814";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Jessamine Foxglove', 'Samantha Gellar', '', 465, 484, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6187)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_815";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Rob St. Martin', 'Rob Martin', '', 465, 484, 0, '0000-00-00', 'rob.martin2@gmail.com', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6188)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_816";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Adi Harris', '', 465, 484, 0, '0000-00-00', 'adizzle96@gmail.com', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6189)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_817";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Raven Darksoul', 'Robert Wei', '', 465, 484, 0, '0000-00-00', 'rwei42@yahoo.com', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6190)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_818";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Yani Pohl', '', 465, 484, 0, '0000-00-00', 'ykpohl@gmail.com', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6191)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_819";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Andrew Arrowkiller', 'Andrew', '', 465, 494, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6192)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_820";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Sadie McNamara', '', 2, 13, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6193)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_821";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Joe Nadasky', '', 2, 13, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6194)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_822";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Zodric', 'Neil Shirrell', '', 611, 612, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6195)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_823";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Jeff Brunet', '', 611, 616, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6196)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_824";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Mila Brunet', '', 611, 616, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6197)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_825";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Renzo Kuken', 'Miguel Villa', '', 194, 831, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6198)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_826";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Torvald Swakhammer', 'Presently unknown', '', 194, 209, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6199)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_827";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Elina of Beckenham', 'Tobi Beck', 'Duchess', 194, 206, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6200)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_828";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Cameron Smyth', 'Cameron Smith', 'His Highness', 194, 206, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6201)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_829";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Genivive', 'Presently unknown', '', 194, 206, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6202)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_830";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Einar', 'Patrick Durkin', '', 194, 831, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6203)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_831";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Thorfinn Thengilsson', 'Presently not known', '', 194, 206, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6204)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_832";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Lukas Mesmer', 'Blair Peterson', 'Forester', 194, 831, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6205)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_833";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Henry of Exeter', 'Terry Doner', 'Baron', 194, 831, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6206)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_834";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Amalie', 'Megan Smith', 'Her Highness', 194, 206, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6207)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_835";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Ulf-unni', 'Presently unknown', '', 194, 200, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6208)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_836";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Celia of Rivenstar', 'Presently unknown', '', 194, 195, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6209)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_837";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Demetrious', 'Unknown', '', 194, 206, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6210)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_838";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Hanz of Beckenham', 'Not known', '', 194, 206, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6211)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_839";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Nadezda Zeczastrizl', 'Merril Miller', 'Baroness', 194, 831, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6212)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_840";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Wilhelm of Rivenstar', 'Not known', '', 194, 195, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6213)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_841";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Sebastian Kuhnbar von Dreihugel', 'Unknown', '', 194, 247, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6214)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_842";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Boen Vandelmeer', 'Present not known', '', 194, 195, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6215)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_843";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Eleanor Berwyk', 'Unknown', '', 194, 262, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6216)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_844";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Rowen', 'Not presently known', '', 194, 206, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6217)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_845";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Sahar Pastel-Daneslagar', 'Unknown', '', 194, 200, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6218)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_846";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Ilza No Araisiem', 'Will add.', '', 194, 206, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6219)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_847";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Alexander Adelbrecht', 'Gregory Alexander Miller', '', 194, 831, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6220)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_848";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Brenna', 'Will add later.', '', 194, 195, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6221)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_849";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Erick', 'Will add w/ troll sheet.', '', 194, 195, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6222)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_850";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Frode Kettilson', 'Will add later.', '', 194, 206, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6223)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_851";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Katrina Bakas', 'Will add .', '', 194, 200, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6224)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_852";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Megan Paul', '', 194, 201, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6225)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_853";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Elizabeth Cramer', '', 194, 200, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6226)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_854";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Jennie O`Aalferty', 'Will add .', '', 194, 206, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6227)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_855";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Rick Mellinger', '', 194, 206, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6228)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_856";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Stephen Hanes', '', 194, 206, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6229)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_857";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Ulrich Rauwolf', 'Will add ..', '', 194, 262, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6230)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_858";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('William of Fairhaven', 'Will add.', '', 194, 270, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6231)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_859";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Bruce Calhoun', 'Will add...', '', 194, 206, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6232)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_860";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Judith Isofya', 'Will add..', '', 194, 270, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6233)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_861";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Dubheasa MacTighnearnain', 'Cindy Rodehaver', '', 194, 831, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6234)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_862";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Savaric de Pardieu', 'Bryan Perdue', 'Count', 194, 220, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6235)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_863";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Julianna de Pardieu', 'Angela Purdue', 'Countess', 194, 220, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6236)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_864";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Emmelind', 'Linda Nooner', '', 380, 384, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6237)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_865";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Joshua', 'Joshua Velazquez', '', 380, 384, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6238)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_866";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Tofi Kerthjalfadsson', 'Paul Placeway', '', 3, 65, 0, '0000-00-00', 'paul.placeway@gmail.com', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6239)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_867";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Brig', 'Tiffany', '', 5, 98, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6240)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_868";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Misty', 'Misty Hicks', '', 5, 98, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6241)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_869";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Josh Regan', '', 2, 17, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6242)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_870";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Shannon Inghaen Bhriain Ui Dhuilleain', 'Corrine Stanek', '', 2, 17, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6243)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_871";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Gwendwyn the Silent', 'Kim Bulot-Smith', 'Viscountess ', 317, 348, 0, '0000-00-00', 'bulotki@yahoo.com', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6244)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_872";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Carraig Prout', 'David Huntley', '', 317, 326, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6245)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_873";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Sciath inghean Airt', 'Sarah Joyal', '', 317, 351, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6246)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_874";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Thomas M. Skaug', 'Thomas', '', 317, 337, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6247)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_875";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Alistair of Avalon', 'Teresa Richard', '', 317, 351, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6248)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_876";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Jim of the Odd Bodkins', 'Jim Lowry', '', 317, 319, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6249)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_877";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Robert de Perceval', 'John Percefull', '', 317, 351, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6250)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_878";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('E`tain ingen Chellaig', 'Kelly Kirby', '', 317, 351, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6251)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_879";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Rose Mary', 'Ariaeli', '', 317, 324, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6252)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_880";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Dietrich von den Weinbergen', 'Steve Cobb', '', 317, 325, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6253)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_881";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Diderich', 'Eric Gardner', '', 192, 305, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6254)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_882";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Anna Maleine', 'Ann Seeton', '', 192, 291, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6255)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_883";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Vaduny Cel Tradat', 'Mandee Olesen', '', 192, 285, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6256)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_884";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Jack of Airedale', 'Jack Weed', '', 465, 484, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6257)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_885";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Winfred of Heatherwyne', 'John Stephenson', '', 465, 484, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6258)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_886";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Fedelm Dubb', 'Adrienne Doyle', '', 465, 484, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6259)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_887";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Mike of Starkhafn', 'Mike Wilde', '', 465, 494, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6260)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_888";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Thyra', 'Jessica Choyce', '', 465, 494, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6261)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_889";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Kazetani Tarou Noritatsu', 'David Luebke', '', 465, 494, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6262)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_890";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Danielle of Starkhafn', 'Danielle Wall', '', 465, 494, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6263)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_891";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Paul Stoddard', 'Paul A.', '', 465, 494, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6264)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_892";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Mathilde', 'Mathilde Friend', '', 5, 98, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6265)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_893";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Grace', 'Grace Friend', '', 5, 98, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6266)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_894";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Rick Mellenger', '', 194, 200, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6267)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_895";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Katrina Bakas', '', 194, 200, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6268)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_896";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Richard ', '', 720, 742, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6269)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_897";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Alain Tynneker', 'Alan Menefee', 'Lord', 317, 348, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6270)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_898";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Brigid O`Connor', 'Rachelle Elwell', 'Lady', 317, 348, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6271)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_899";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Tristan le Kervere', 'Tristan Caughie', 'Lord', 317, 357, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6272)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_900";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Aidan Ramesheod', 'Aidan Caughie', 'Lord', 317, 357, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6273)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_901";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Christian', 'Christian Noll', '', 5, 98, 0, '0000-00-00', 'christiannoll2346@gmail.com', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6274)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_902";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Durin Oldenmoor', 'Chris Howerton', 'Adiantum Baron', 5, 98, 0, '0000-00-00', 'psychochicken@yahoo.com', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6275)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_903";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Dannon', 'Aelaura', '', 400, 403, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6278)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_904";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Erin Langzwerg', 'Erin MaCabe', '', 194, 231, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6277)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_905";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Theodora', 'Freda Freda Seddon', '', 400, 411, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6279)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_906";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Bradon', 'Bradon Birch', '', 400, 406, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6280)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_907";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Julia', 'Julia Gaidychek', '', 400, 407, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6282)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_908";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Anton Rongter', 'Chris Abril', '', 400, 407, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6283)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_909";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Alvaro de Leon', 'Paul Stachel', '', 2, 17, 0, '0000-00-00', 'pauljstachel@yahoo.com', '410-964-6433', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6299)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_910";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Jobsoln', 'Jar Patchett', '', 400, 403, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6285)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_911";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Piero di Paxiti da Vincenza', 'Peter Westergaard', '', 400, 406, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6286)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_912";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Bardok', 'Barrie Paol', '', 400, 411, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6287)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_913";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Michelle DeMaine', 'Mike Roy', '', 400, 418, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6288)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_914";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Lucian', 'Astin Burger', '', 400, 403, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6289)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_915";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Mahault of Swynford', 'Deb Mattingly', '', 400, 407, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6290)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_916";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Daniel of Whitby', 'Daniel Stulgess', '', 400, 407, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6291)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_917";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Rhisiart', 'Morgan Birch', '', 400, 406, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6292)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_918";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Eveelyn', 'Barb Locker', '', 400, 406, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6293)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_919";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Nigel MacFarlane', 'Doug Underwood', '', 400, 411, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6294)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_920";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Wencenedl', 'Elise', '', 400, 403, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6295)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_921";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Tristan', 'Corey Bott', '', 400, 403, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6296)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_922";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Gunther Wahlstadt', 'David Carroll-Clark', '', 400, 409, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6297)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_923";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Doirean Dechti', 'Carr', '', 5, 148, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6623)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_924";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Briana of Delftwood', 'Briana Foisia', '', 3, 63, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6301)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_925";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Roderick', 'Thomas Sommer', '', 465, 484, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6302)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_926";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Christoffer Decshel', 'Christopher Denneson', 'Lord', 465, 471, 0, '0000-00-00', 'christofferdecshel@yahoo.com', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6303)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_927";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Robert MacFarland', 'Brad Morgan', '', 465, 471, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6304)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_928";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Kenjii of Terra Pomaria', 'Ben Mitchell', 'HL', 5, 109, 0, '0000-00-00', 'kenjisca@gmail.com', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6305)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_929";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Gavin Mac Giolla Ruaidh', 'Chris Lastovica', 'HL', 192, 289, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6306)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_930";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Evan Le Fevre', '', 2, 45, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6307)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_931";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Maras Qalah bint Aamir', 'Place Holder18', '', 683, 713, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6308)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_932";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('John Haddecombe', 'John Goodrich', 'Lord', 683, 703, 0, '0000-00-00', 'lumcheesal@gmail.com', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6309)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_933";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Tuathflaith ingen Nuadat (Tyg)', 'Michelle Kindsfather', 'Mistress', 683, 703, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6310)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_934";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Test 2', '', 683, 685, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6311)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_935";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Carolus sine nomine', 'Chuck Cochran', '', 683, 697, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6312)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_936";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Brandon Murphy', '', 4, 170, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6313)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_937";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Kaitlin Duggan', '', 4, 170, 0, '0000-00-00', 'heretherebedragons@bellsouth.net', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6314)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_938";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Amairgein Mac Coachloaich', 'Robert Johnston', '', 317, 323, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6315)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_939";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Talia Hernandez', '', 317, 323, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6316)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_940";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Jamie Palacios', '', 317, 323, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6317)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_941";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Jessica Reyes', '', 317, 323, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6318)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_942";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Joseph', '', 317, 323, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6319)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_943";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Eckhart von Eschenbach', 'Place Holder', 'THL', 683, 688, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6320)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_944";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Fearghus Amhreaidh', 'Place Holder2', 'Lord', 683, 688, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6321)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_945";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Marius Aetius Ariantes', 'Place Holder3', '', 683, 713, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6322)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_946";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Robert De Ramus', 'Place Holder4', '', 683, 688, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6323)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_947";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Aoibheann an Einigh', 'Christine Robinson', 'Lady', 683, 688, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6324)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_948";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Jerrith the Archer', 'James Garrett', 'Lord', 683, 697, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6325)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_949";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Eoghan', 'Place Holder5', '', 683, 688, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6326)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_950";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Euogen McCullium', 'Place Holder6', 'Lord', 683, 713, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6327)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_951";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Shaltar Grayson', 'Stephen Grayson', 'Sir', 683, 713, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6328)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_952";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Connar O’Gwynedd', 'Kevin Marcus', 'Lord', 683, 713, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6329)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_953";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'William Robinson', '', 683, 688, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6330)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_954";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Luna de euogen san Diez', 'Place Holder7', '', 683, 713, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6331)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_955";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Roderick of Red Castille', 'Place Holder8', 'Lord', 683, 713, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6332)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_956";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Mordan Pereshenov', 'Jonathan Moore', '', 683, 712, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6333)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_957";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Vittoria Apollonia di Polumbo', 'Place Holder10', 'Lady', 683, 713, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6334)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_958";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Faelan Accnaid', 'Place Holder11', '', 683, 688, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6336)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_959";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Falen Haraldson', 'Place Holder12', 'Lord', 683, 711, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6337)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_960";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Bianca Allegri da Vicenza', 'Place Holder13', 'Mistress', 683, 688, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6338)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_961";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Catarina do Duoro', 'Place Holder14', '', 683, 688, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6339)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_962";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Lora Greymare', 'Place Holder14', '', 683, 719, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6340)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_963";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Thyferyn Gwydionson', 'Place Holder16', '', 683, 688, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6341)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_964";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Nicolas Hertlein', 'Fred Wolfe', '', 683, 693, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6342)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_965";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Melody George', '', 683, 688, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6343)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_966";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Guido of Axebridge', 'James Booth', '', 683, 699, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6344)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_967";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Reinmar', 'Place Holder17', '', 683, 719, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6345)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_968";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Muirenn ingen Ui Dunchada', 'Shannon Bryant Carey ', 'Lady', 683, 716, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6346)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_969";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Rebecca Holland', '', 683, 712, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6347)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_970";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Ni Ida-Ayu Wayan Kali', 'Jennifer Leyting', 'Lady', 683, 696, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6348)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_971";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Engelbrecht Wandelber', 'Alex Medina', 'Lord', 683, 696, 0, '0000-00-00', 'screwloose777@gmail.com', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6349)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_972";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Radolfer Ullrsson', 'Raymond Smith', '', 683, 696, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6350)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_973";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Jean Pierre Faulcon', 'Brandon Hawke', '', 683, 696, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6351)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_974";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Melmon', 'Wyman Taylor', '', 683, 696, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6352)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_975";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Charles of Brownstone', 'Chris Jarrard', 'Lord', 683, 696, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6353)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_976";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Faolan O’Muirenn', 'Nick Williams', 'Lord', 683, 696, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6354)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_977";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Shaelan Chael Paul', '', 683, 696, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6355)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_978";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Nathri mac Conaill', 'William Hedden', 'Lord', 683, 696, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6356)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_979";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Vasalisa of Siavliai', 'Jessi Moss', '', 683, 696, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6357)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_980";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Alzio Montalis', 'Alan Herrin', '', 683, 696, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6358)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_981";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Talia DeMorales', 'Cindy Watins', 'Lady', 683, 696, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6359)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_982";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Pardus of Torfoot', 'Darrell Brownlee', 'Lord', 683, 696, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6360)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_983";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Chris Larson', '', 683, 696, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6361)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_984";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Mariona', 'Susan Wilson', '', 683, 696, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6362)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_985";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Joselyn of Flintmarsh', 'Sonja Albritton', '', 683, 708, 0, '0000-00-00', 'ladyof_dreams@yahoo.com', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6363)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_986";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Stewart Fletcher', 'Dwayne Sayers', 'Lord', 683, 708, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6364)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_987";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Megan', 'Megan Friend', '', 5, 98, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6365)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_988";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Dorothea', 'Leslie Friend', '', 5, 98, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6366)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_989";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('William Arthur of Huntington ', 'William Book', 'Lord', 683, 688, 0, '0000-00-00', 'William_Book@hotmail.com', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6368)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_990";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Davock Walkere', 'Randy Walker', 'THL', 683, 711, 0, '0000-00-00', 'archery@vulpinereach.org', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6369)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_991";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Richard Fenwick ', 'Ken Scott', 'Baron', 683, 711, 0, '0000-00-00', 'thrownweapons@vulpinereach.org', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6370)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_992";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Xanthia Archer', 'Thea George', 'Lady', 683, 689, 0, '0000-00-00', 'liveweapons@baronyosprey.org', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6371)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_993";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Fergus Fletcher', 'Eric Hart', 'Lord', 683, 716, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6372)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_994";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('John of Maplewood', 'John Kemp', '', 3, 72, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6373)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_995";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Charles O`Connor', 'J. Patrick Hughes', 'Baron', 683, 708, 0, '0000-00-00', 'jphughessr@yahoo.com', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6374)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_996";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Abu Shahid Malik al-Haddad', 'Mark Eldred', 'Master', 317, 348, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6375)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_997";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Anastasia Grindstead of Raven Oak', 'Nancy Gregorcyk', 'Mistress', 317, 348, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6376)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_998";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Roger Enfield', 'Ethan Rayhill', 'N/A', 194, 831, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6378)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_999";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Richard de Scolay', 'Bernal Schooley', 'Lord', 194, 831, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6379)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1000";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Sven Ivarrsson', 'Tim Hultgren', 'Lord', 194, 831, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6380)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1001";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Aethelwulf of Dover', 'Thomas Scrip', 'Forester', 194, 831, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6381)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1002";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Generys le Boghyere', 'Debora Goodrich', 'Lady', 683, 703, 0, '0000-00-00', 'niere123@hotmail.com', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6382)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1003";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Emma', 'Sherri Simon', '', 192, 285, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6383)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1004";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('owen', 'Harry walwyn', '', 317, 319, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6384)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1005";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Jenanette Bois B`arc', 'Jananett Verdon', '', 317, 319, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6385)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1006";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Jananette barc', 'Jananett Vernon', '', 317, 319, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6386)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1007";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Sibeal olabhradha', 'Sandra Lowig', '', 317, 336, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6387)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1008";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Miguel Mendoza de Rueda e Ramirez', 'Ismael', '', 465, 494, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6388)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1009";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Daciana of Starkhafn', 'Caytlin', '', 465, 494, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6389)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1010";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Maurice VanRijn', 'Jesse Moon', '', 424, 426, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6390)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1011";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Ren Jie', 'Jesse Riggs', '', 424, 426, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6391)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1012";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Thomas Fleischacher', 'Thomas Glueck', '', 424, 453, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6392)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1013";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Brian McDougall', 'Brian Deaver', '', 424, 426, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6393)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1014";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Giric MacRnadri', 'Stephen Bennett', '', 2, 49, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6394)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1015";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Siobhan of Oldenfeld', 'Meaghan Powers', '', 4, 170, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6395)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1016";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Margaret Lad', 'Megan Ladd', '', 2, 49, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6396)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1017";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Elizabeth of Sumesoeton', 'Elizabeth Cole', '', 2, 49, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6397)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1018";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Diomedes Pleurokopeon', 'Shawn Phillips', 'Lord', 5, 102, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6398)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1019";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Courtney Bennett', '', 2, 22, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6399)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1020";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Robert Rienewald', 'Robert Amaww', '', 2, 22, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6400)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1021";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Dasfiner Krenge', 'Fraz Sciper', '', 2, 22, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6401)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1022";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Hrolf Long-Arm', 'Shown Rolfe', '', 2, 22, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6402)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1023";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Emily Dawydiak', '', 5, 823, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6403)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1024";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Omoshi', 'Alex Kew', '', 5, 823, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6404)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1025";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Kolfinna Ráðúlfsdóttir', 'Karen Colli', '', 720, 721, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6405)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1026";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Ro of Abertridwr', 'Ro von Rangnow', '', 720, 721, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6406)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1027";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Mathew of Dragon`s Bay', 'Mathew Hill', '', 720, 736, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6407)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1028";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Vera Ivanova Tolstikova', 'Mary Harmon', '', 3, 827, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6408)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1029";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Brusi Anderson of the Shetlands', 'Brusi', 'Sir', 720, 742, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6409)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1030";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Angela', 'Danielle Keenan', '', 720, 742, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6410)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1031";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Eilionora Ui Rouirc', 'Hannah Olson', '', 4, 170, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6411)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1032";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Meabh theMad', 'Kim Crow', '', 4, 170, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6412)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1033";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Arnlief', 'Kayla Wade', '', 520, 521, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6413)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1034";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Tony', 'Tony', '', 520, 521, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6414)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1035";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Kaelan MacDonald', 'Andy David', '', 465, 481, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6415)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1036";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Aluddar O` Labhradha', 'Alex Lowry', '', 465, 481, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6416)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1037";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Ghijkskijn Van Den Vaerst', 'Herman Van de Vaarst', '', 2, 22, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6417)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1038";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Arnbjorg Karlsdottir', 'Christine Waagones', '', 2, 22, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6418)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1039";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Giric Mac Raudri', 'Stephan Bennett', '', 2, 22, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6419)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1040";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Ironbow', 'Alyssa Atkinson', '', 5, 139, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6420)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1041";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Ioin Mkenze', 'Wes Myers', '', 5, 102, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6421)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1042";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Otric', 'Rodney Moss', '', 424, 448, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6422)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1043";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Richard Ammel', '', 424, 448, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6423)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1044";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Yumm', 'Sherri Williams', '', 424, 448, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6424)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1045";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Caitriona ingen Faelan', 'Trina Davidson', '', 424, 448, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6425)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1046";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Sha-ul', 'Russel Smith', '', 424, 448, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6426)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1047";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Issabella Oger of Bucky', 'Andrea Tibbetts', '', 194, 269, 0, '0000-00-00', 'gammabucky@msn.com', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6427)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1048";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Genefa Wolfein', 'Mary Pruitt', '', 2, 45, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6428)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1049";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Oethar Larsen', 'Darren Larsen', '', 5, 110, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6429)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1050";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Abdullah ibn Harun', 'William Felsen', '', 2, 58, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6430)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1051";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Eric Grenier deLaBarre', 'Eric France', 'Baron', 3, 68, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6431)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1052";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Saavogg Haraldsson', 'Richard Wallace', 'Sir', 683, 703, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6432)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1053";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Signy Biarnardottir', 'Elaine Myers', '', 2, 45, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6433)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1054";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Bridhid ni Muirenn', 'Rebecca Smith', 'Lady', 465, 471, 0, '0000-00-00', 'rsmith@ucsd.edu', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6434)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1055";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Darius da Carrara', 'Steve Misrack', '', 465, 471, 0, '0000-00-00', 'darius.da.carrara@gmail.com', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6435)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1056";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Toby Tolentino', '', 465, 471, 0, '0000-00-00', 'ttolentino1@gmail.com', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6436)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1057";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Geoffrey Athos Von Ulm', 'Jeffrey M Ulmer', 'Master', 2, 25, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6437)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1058";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Thorgrim Vafnismithr', 'Michael Parker', 'Lord', 2, 25, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6438)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1059";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Cigan Oszinte', 'Janin Wise', 'Lady', 683, 708, 0, '0000-00-00', 'janinwise@gmail.com', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6439)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1060";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Bob Bentley', '', 720, 739, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6440)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1061";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Eireamnon na Seoltadh', 'Texas Constantine', '', 5, 104, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6441)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1062";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Kolevi', 'Eric Folland', '', 5, 104, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6442)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1063";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Miles fitzHubert', 'Rob Nicholls', 'HL', 5, 104, 0, '0000-00-00', 'stormy2@telus.net', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6443)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1064";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Sanada Toshiyasu', 'Rich Simpson', '', 2, 45, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6444)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1065";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Amanda Manowski', '', 683, 696, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6445)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1066";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Scout Storey', '', 683, 696, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6446)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1067";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Tatsuo Okami', 'William Giltner', 'Lord', 610, 829, 0, '0000-00-00', 'ironriver.armoury@facebook.com', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6447)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1068";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Timothy Kirkwood', 'Kirk Madsen', '', 611, 613, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6448)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1069";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Luigi Demugli', 'Gary Dougherty', '', 720, 743, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6449)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1070";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Maurizio Guglielmi', 'Maurie Williams', '', 720, 743, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6450)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1071";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Blakey of Dragon`s Hollow', 'Brian Zibell', '', 720, 743, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6451)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1072";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Morgana Di Alexandro', 'Nazrin Black', '', 720, 743, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6452)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1073";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Ross of Merewyke', 'Ross Grevell', '', 720, 743, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6453)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1074";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Patrick of Merewyke', 'Patrick Evans', '', 720, 743, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6454)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1075";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('James of Flintmarsh', 'James Owens', '', 683, 708, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6455)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1076";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Daniel of Flintmarsh', 'Daniel Murphy', '', 683, 708, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6456)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1077";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Brenna of Flintmarsh', 'Joyellen Braeden', '', 683, 708, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6457)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1078";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Haley Bross', '', 4, 187, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6458)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1079";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Gabriel Mclucas', 'David Casort', '', 5, 826, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6459)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1080";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Courtney Smith', '', 3, 68, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6460)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1081";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Rignach Argyll', 'Heller', '', 5, 105, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6461)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1082";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Ekaterina Vladimirovna', 'Allison Cox', '', 640, 652, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6462)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1083";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Rick Scott', '', 640, 652, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6463)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1084";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Geoffrey Cherriton', 'Jeff Ford', '', 520, 527, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6464)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1085";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Cody', 'Cody Forrest Nephew', '', 5, 98, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6465)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1086";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Amanda Irvin', '', 5, 98, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6466)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1087";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Sam', 'Sam Sprague', '', 5, 98, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6467)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1088";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Griffin Son of the Wanderer', 'Griffin', '', 5, 98, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6468)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1089";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Hrothric of Fenwald', 'Vitaly a Krasnov', '', 5, 145, 0, '0000-00-00', 'hrothricandfelipa@gmail.com', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6469)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1090";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Felipa of Fenwald', 'Desiree Morgen', '', 5, 145, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6470)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1091";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Eric of Pembroke', 'Eric Bjers', '', 5, 105, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6471)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1092";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Elizabeth of the Bog', 'Kristen Caddy', '', 3, 67, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6472)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1093";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Solbella Hatayeret', 'Tia Knight', '', 5, 131, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6473)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1094";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Jay Tea', 'J.T. Dean', '', 5, 124, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6474)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1095";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Keziah Murdock', 'Carolyn Wallace', '', 5, 109, 0, '0000-00-00', 'muffymouse8@gmail.com', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6475)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1096";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Ciana da Lucca', 'Claire Hollis', '', 720, 742, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6476)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1097";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Josh Wisbey', '', 720, 742, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6477)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1098";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Mark Worthington', '', 720, 742, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6478)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1099";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Lydia Hanson', '', 5, 102, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6479)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1100";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Grodaga', 'Daniel Herrera', '', 5, 105, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6480)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1101";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Rykul', 'Nels Knutson', '', 5, 99, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6481)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1102";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Jamie', 'Jimmy Watts', '', 5, 100, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6482)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1103";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Theodor', 'Ted Arm', '', 5, 104, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6483)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1104";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Ceridwen', 'Jaz McIntosh', '', 5, 823, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6484)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1105";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Mikhail Kurgonvic', 'Michael Eyben', '', 5, 104, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6485)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1106";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Nora Joice', 'Angelica Tanner', '', 5, 100, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6486)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1107";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Joshua Weller', 'Joshua Weller', '', 5, 131, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6487)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1108";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Nolan Hart', 'Nolan Hart', '', 5, 98, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6488)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1109";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Nathan Blythe', 'Damon Solomos', '', 5, 99, 0, '0000-00-00', 'desolomos@yahoo.com', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6489)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1110";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Nathan Hart', 'Nathan Hart', '', 5, 98, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6490)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1111";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Rosie Danger Adams', 'Rose Parkerton', '', 5, 98, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6491)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1112";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Tommy', 'Thomas Conant', '', 5, 98, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6492)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1113";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Rihannon Hoefer', 'Rihannon Hoefer', '', 5, 98, 0, '0000-00-00', '02remix17@gmail.com', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6493)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1114";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Somatra Duii', 'Somatra Duii', '', 5, 98, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6494)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1115";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('James', 'Paul Wiswiewski', '', 465, 471, 0, '0000-00-00', 'dhzdad@yahoo.com', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6495)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1116";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Lodovico of the Isles', 'Daniel Stack', '', 465, 483, 0, '0000-00-00', 'indee00@hotmail.com', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6496)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1117";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Daithi', 'Dave Mays', '', 3, 66, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6599)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1118";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('This is a test', 'This is a test', '', 465, 467, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6497)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1119";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Alexandria', 'Alex Rose-Albert', '', 5, 102, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6498)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1120";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Rian', 'Rian', '', 5, 851, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6579)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1121";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Robert Lanternsmith', 'Robert Lanternsmith', '', 465, 484, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6499)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1122";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Santiago', 'Santiago', '', 465, 471, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6500)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1123";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Jean of Blackheart', 'Jean', '', 465, 471, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6501)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1124";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Mavis Blackdragon', 'Mavis Blackdragon', '', 465, 471, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6502)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1125";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Erika Knickerbocker', '', 465, 471, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6503)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1126";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Shannon aganes', 'Cassandra Denneson', '', 465, 471, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6504)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1127";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Anthony de la Mare', 'Anthony', '', 465, 468, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6505)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1128";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Shannon Hoover', '', 9, 583, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6506)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1129";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Julianna de la Delphi', 'Julianna', '', 465, 471, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6507)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1130";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Minythia', 'Rachel', '', 465, 471, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6508)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1131";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Patricus Arcuarius', 'Patrick', '', 465, 471, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6509)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1132";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Roger Jacobs', '', 465, 481, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6510)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1133";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Amanda Clay', '', 465, 467, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6511)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1134";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Quinn Phelan', 'Mark', '', 465, 496, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6512)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1135";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Adelais de la Jupe Cramoisie', 'Adelais', '', 465, 483, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6513)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1136";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Esmerelda', 'Esmerelda', '', 465, 484, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6514)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1137";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Wat Syurnaem', 'Katrina Kaiser', '', 465, 471, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6515)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1138";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Andrew of Nottingham', 'Andrew', '', 465, 471, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6516)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1139";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Cosmo', 'Cosmo', '', 465, 471, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6517)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1140";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Hette Vitze', 'Hette', '', 465, 483, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6518)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1141";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Kemuryd ferch Talan', 'Kemuryd', '', 465, 481, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6519)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1142";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'John Hardick', '', 465, 471, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6520)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1143";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Amran Asadi', '', 465, 471, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6521)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1144";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Kim Asadi', '', 465, 471, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6522)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1145";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Erik Wiswieski', '', 465, 471, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6523)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1146";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Hei Yu', 'Preston', '', 465, 471, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6524)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1147";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Cynthia Fearn', '', 465, 481, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6525)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1148";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Bovine', 'Bovine', '', 465, 471, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6526)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1149";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Atellus Paterculus', 'Scotty', '', 465, 471, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6527)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1150";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Gilchrist', 'Gilchrist', '', 465, 471, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6528)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1151";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Iskandar', 'Iskandar', '', 465, 481, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6529)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1152";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Sigurd Njord', 'Travis Nord', '', 2, 19, 0, '0000-00-00', 'zhire@hotmail.com', '803-593-8117', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6530)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1153";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Sonja Njord', 'Laura Nord', '', 2, 41, 0, '0000-00-00', 'truchaos@yahoo.com', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6531)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1154";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Alison', 'Alison', '', 520, 521, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6532)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1155";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Zach XXX', 'Zach XXX', '', 520, 521, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6533)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1156";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Edward Mandeville', 'Matt Hankins', '', 4, 171, 0, '0000-00-00', ' ', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6534)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1157";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Gwenwyer Threadgold', 'Jennifer Radcliffe', '', 4, 169, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6535)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1158";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Takakage No Hokoki', 'Scott Randall', '', 4, 169, 0, '0000-00-00', ' ', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6536)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1159";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Lewis of the Bog', 'Lewis', '', 3, 67, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6537)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1160";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Joesten Walterson', 'Juston Maupin', '', 5, 137, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6538)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1161";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Inveterate Thorn', 'J.D. Hughes', '', 5, 110, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6539)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1162";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Karl', 'Clayton Tailer', '', 5, 137, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6540)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1163";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Kolbjorn', 'Cole Dunkeson', '', 5, 137, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6541)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1164";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Seviorn', 'Nathan Dixon', '', 5, 137, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6542)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1165";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Logan Richter', '', 5, 110, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6543)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1166";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Melody Shaw', 'susan hurlbert', '', 611, 629, 149598, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6544)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1167";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Elen', 'Johanna Hernandez', '', 611, 629, 214647, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6545)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1168";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Andrew Dobson', '', 3, 68, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6546)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1169";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Shawn', 'Shawn', '', 465, 494, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6547)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1170";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Marta de Lyone', 'Sarah Gori', '', 2, 20, 0, '0000-00-00', 'sarahgori@gmail.com', '203-980-5551', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6548)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1171";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Naila Al-Zarqa', 'Nicole Heerema', '', 2, 10, 0, '0000-00-00', 'bibliophileselkie@yahoo.com', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6549)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1172";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Don`t score', '', 611, 617, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6550)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1173";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Annora', 'Lynn Sylvester', '', 3, 72, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6551)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1174";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Magnus Bastiano di Vigo', 'Matt Ryan', '', 3, 72, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6552)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1175";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Annora', 'Lynn Sylvester', '', 3, 72, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6553)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1176";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Avalon of the Isle', 'Avalon Rector', '', 720, 736, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6554)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1177";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Ysabeau de La Rodalle', 'Jennifer Symalla ', '', 611, 612, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6555)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1178";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Zephirine Isabeau Matheu', 'Rutheyi Thompson', '', 611, 616, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6556)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1179";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Helena de Aincurth', 'Ashley Webb', '', 611, 616, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6557)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1180";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Amber Stein', '', 611, 616, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6558)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1181";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Bryan Kushner', '', 611, 616, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6559)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1182";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Thomas Davidson the Seeker', 'Levi Davis', '', 611, 618, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6560)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1183";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Madison Willers', '', 611, 616, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6561)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1184";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Turlough McAngossa', 'Michael Ehrlich', '', 611, 613, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6562)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1185";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Hobbes', 'Mike Lazzaretti', '', 5, 165, 0, '0000-00-00', 'heather@lazzaretti.org', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6563)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1186";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Alail Horsefriend', 'Scott McCartney', 'Sir', 5, 109, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6564)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1187";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Christian the Grey', 'Christian Batie', '', 5, 109, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6565)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1188";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Pynk', 'Stephany Dearing', '', 5, 137, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6566)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1189";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Richard Brewer', 'Dean Hayes', '', 4, 170, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6567)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1190";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Jill Lile', '', 4, 170, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6568)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1191";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Elisonis Van Sonderland', 'Stephanie Brown', '', 5, 163, 0, '0000-00-00', 'Stephbrown_86@yahoo.ca', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6569)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1192";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Miriel du Lac', 'Sara Herrington', 'Lady', 3, 66, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6570)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1193";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Theodoric', 'TerryRadder', '', 3, 66, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6571)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1194";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Kiki John`s Duaghter', 'Nichole Briece', '', 5, 110, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6572)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1195";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Aniko', 'Leslie Eaton', '', 5, 148, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6573)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1196";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Linda Tsubaki', '', 5, 102, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6574)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1197";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Ricard of Colchester', 'Asher Klassen', '', 5, 136, 0, '0000-00-00', 'prussianblueandsepia@gmail.com', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6575)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1198";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Maire Dooley', 'Lisa Branson', 'Lady', 611, 616, 179126, '2015-06-30', 'amore7808@hotmail.com', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6576)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1199";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Chris Ayala', '', 611, 617, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6577)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1200";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Felicia Eastman', '', 5, 134, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6578)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1201";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('David of Coeur du Val ', 'David Coneby', '', 5, 131, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6580)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1202";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Jason of Coer du Val', 'Jason Coneby', '', 5, 131, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6581)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1203";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Liesl Von Katzenheim', 'Elizabeth Crockett', '', 5, 102, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6582)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1204";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Dewi ap Owain', 'David McGee', '', 424, 447, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6583)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1205";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Felix Fexter', 'Jordan Stevens', '', 424, 429, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6584)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1206";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Dashunegen', 'Mari McElyea', '', 424, 427, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6585)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1207";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Asher', 'Donald Hill', '', 424, 428, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6586)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1208";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Hrafn Knutsson', 'Michael Curnutt', '', 380, 382, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6587)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1209";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Monlik Erdene', 'Redwood Nern', '', 380, 383, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6588)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1210";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Claudia Costelo', 'Michelle Lewis', '', 683, 703, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6589)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1211";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('James Toxophelas', 'Jim Long', '', 683, 711, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6590)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1212";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Annika Mhurchadha', 'Jennifer Jorolan', '', 424, 450, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6591)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1213";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Symonne duCharme', 'Laurie Blaire', '', 465, 494, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6592)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1214";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Lochlainn O`Cleirigh', 'Sean Allen', 'Lord', 683, 852, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6593)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1215";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Myfanwy Afrwydd', 'Sian Roberts', 'Lady', 683, 852, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6594)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1216";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Jocelyne', 'Jocelyne Meadley', '', 5, 823, 0, '0000-00-00', 'jim.meadley@gmail.com', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6595)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1217";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Viktoria D', 'Jess Danielson', '', 520, 521, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6596)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1218";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Rayne Archer of Annan', 'Michelle S.', 'Lady', 465, 468, 0, '0000-00-00', 'raynearcherofannan@gmail.com', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6597)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1219";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Zosime Pompeiana', 'Zosime Pompeiana', 'Lady', 465, 468, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6598)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1220";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Terri L. Alvarez', '', 611, 634, 216865, '2015-07-31', '', '', '', 'Las Cruces', 'NM', '88001', 1, NULL, 6600)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1221";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Barsuna', 'Shyanne Craven', '', 194, 231, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6602)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1222";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Arnbjorn Frakkason', 'Dan Butler', '', 194, 231, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6603)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1223";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Slaine', 'Kelsey Anderson', '', 194, 231, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6604)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1224";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Elenor Berwick', 'Christina Graber', '', 194, 262, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6605)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1225";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Aiden of Brighthills', 'Jessie Thrump', '', 2, 11, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6606)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1226";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Jacqueline of Lyondemere', 'Jackie', '', 465, 484, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6607)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1227";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Jon Tinkerson', 'Dexter Brachium', '', 465, 484, 0, '0000-00-00', 'jonthomme@gmail.com', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6608)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1228";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('deleted', 'deleted', '', 465, 484, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6609)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1229";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Gabrielle Lepinay', 'Heather Lazzaretti', '', 5, 165, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6610)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1230";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Tanner Sigel', '', 5, 105, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6611)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1231";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Patrick of Lyondemere', 'Patrick', '', 465, 484, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6612)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1232";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Deirdre', 'Deirdre', '', 465, 484, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6613)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1233";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Adrian Doyle', '', 465, 484, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6614)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1234";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Maddalena Salutati', 'Nancy Stengel Ulmer', '', 2, 25, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6615)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1235";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Eydis of House Marchmount', 'Sage Hall', '', 400, 407, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6616)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1236";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Aodhan Longarrow', 'Edward Stubbe', '', 400, 402, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6617)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1237";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Marissa Kubien', 'Marissa Kubien', '', 400, 407, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6618)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1238";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Zoe Kubien', 'Zoe Kubien', '', 400, 407, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6619)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1239";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Alexander Gladstone', 'Alex Sears', '', 400, 401, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6620)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1240";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Wencenedl of Rokesburg', 'Ekuse Kingston', '', 400, 402, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6621)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1241";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Michael of Brentwood', 'Michael Dumond', '', 400, 408, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6622)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1242";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Hugo Le Blund', 'Peter Von Stieglitz', '', 720, 833, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6624)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1243";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Katewin of Brittany', 'Brittany Sturdevant', '', 5, 98, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6625)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1244";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Marina', 'Marina Irish', '', 5, 98, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6626)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1245";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Terenee', 'Terenee Irish', '', 5, 98, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6627)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1246";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Bjorki Shieldbane', 'Kliff Morfitt', '', 5, 131, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6628)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1247";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Samwell Longdon', 'Sam Longley', '', 5, 131, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6629)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1248";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Tor Leifsen', 'Glenn Kristiansen', '', 5, 109, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6630)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1249";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Robert the Tavernkeeper', 'Robert Brotherston', 'Lord', 5, 853, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6631)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1250";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Nyssa of Fjordland', 'Darcy Brotherston', 'Lady', 5, 853, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6632)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1251";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Caitriona of Fjordland', 'Caitie Jarvis', '', 5, 853, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6633)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1252";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Theodora van Hazelt', 'Danielle Stephens', '', 5, 853, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6634)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1253";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Ylmas of Fjordland', 'Alex Ens', '', 5, 853, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6635)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1254";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Chris Kidd', '', 5, 853, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6636)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1255";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Gwendolyn Eve', '', 5, 853, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6637)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1256";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Jason the Red', 'Jason Sewell', '', 2, 40, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6638)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1257";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Ryan of Pembroke', 'Ryan Bjers', '', 5, 105, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6639)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1258";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Conall', 'Tim Rypl', '', 5, 139, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6640)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1259";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Drago Dubbkree', 'Kelly McMurdo', '', 5, 139, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6641)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1260";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Kayla Rypl', '', 5, 139, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6642)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1261";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Guy de Provence', 'Guy Watson', '', 520, 521, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6643)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1262";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Maire Ni Cathal', 'Maire Hughes', '', 683, 708, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6644)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1263";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Sean Mac Cathal', 'Jay Hughes', '', 683, 708, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6645)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1264";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Shaylee of Flintmarsh', 'Amy Murphy', '', 683, 708, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6646)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1265";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Kael Wise', '', 683, 708, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6647)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1266";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Samuel Wise', '', 683, 708, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6648)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1267";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'James Murphy', '', 683, 708, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6649)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1268";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Mariett DeVinne', 'Mary Camp', '', 5, 102, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6650)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1269";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Wilhelm', 'Adam Hernandez', '', 611, 629, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6651)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1270";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Katherine', 'Rebecca Lowry', '', 317, 319, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6652)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1271";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Somatra Devi', 'Chris Wagner', '', 5, 109, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6653)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1272";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Pyks Pictti', 'Jaime Pickering', '', 5, 109, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6654)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1273";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Pardus the Lost', 'Courtland Heieck', '', 5, 134, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6655)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1274";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Juliana', 'Jaime Von Rader', '', 611, 617, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6656)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1275";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Corban Maculogh', 'Jeremy Tucker', '', 611, 616, 215936, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6657)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1276";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Cynan', 'Kris Nuttycombe', '', 611, 612, 70427, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6658)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1277";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Elaisse', 'Christina Morris', '', 611, 616, 207732, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6659)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1278";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'RYAN MOORE', '', 3, 97, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6660)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1279";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'COLLEEN MOORE', '', 3, 97, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6661)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1280";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Laurentia of Caledonia', 'Brandy Cannon', '', 3, 97, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6662)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1281";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Caelan', 'Andrew Binder', '', 683, 716, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6663)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1282";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Benjamin Taylor', '', 683, 716, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6664)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1283";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Jyne-Helene of Hope', 'Jayne Miller-Carr', 'Lady', 683, 716, 0, '0000-00-00', 'jaynesings@msn.com', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6665)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1284";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Ragnarr eldr Sigismund', 'Justin Jacobs', '', 683, 716, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6666)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1285";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Laura of St Basil', 'Laura Hodge', '', 720, 748, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6667)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1286";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Pooka Mighte', 'Katie Humburg', 'Lady', 683, 716, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6668)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1287";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Erec de Martel', 'Eric Edwards', '', 611, 629, 222414, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6669)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1288";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Griffin de Martel', 'Dane Edwards', '', 611, 629, 222415, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6670)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1289";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Ysenda Del Appleyerd', 'Tawny Tersmette', '', 5, 106, 0, '0000-00-00', 'Tawny.tersmette@gmail.com', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6671)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1290";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Axelle', 'Katelle', '', 317, 357, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6672)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1291";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Maedbh Fionnghlass', 'Katherine Hoptiak', '', 2, 10, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6673)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1292";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Hucbald ap Urp', 'Ron Sharcott', 'His Lordship', 5, 823, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6674)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1293";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Morgaine Essex', 'Dawn Sharcott', 'Her Ladyship', 5, 823, 0, '0000-00-00', 'morgaine@ramst.ca', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6675)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1294";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Philp Ingeramme', 'Phillip Sirrine', '', 2, 10, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6676)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1295";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Julleran da Mestre', 'Kathe Everett', '', 2, 10, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6677)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1296";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Bjorn', 'Chris Brenton', '', 5, 139, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6678)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1297";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Elonda Blue Haven', 'Roberta Tower', '', 5, 103, 0, '0000-00-00', 'elonda@towerr.com', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6679)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1298";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Aiden of Stonemarche', 'Aiden York', '', 9, 568, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6680)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1299";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Ben', '', 192, 285, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6681)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1300";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Jacquie Woodrow', '', 3, 66, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6682)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1301";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Stephan', 'Stephan St. Amour', '', 5, 163, 0, '0000-00-00', 'zaphodthe4th@gmail.com', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6683)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1302";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Cormac mac Taram', 'Bryan Walton', 'Don', 520, 521, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6684)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1303";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Hlif Askelsdottir', 'Tanya St-Jacques', '', 5, 823, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6685)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1304";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Achillious of Altavia', 'Jim', '', 465, 467, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6686)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1305";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Aeoelwigg Aelfwiggsson', 'Aeoelwigg Aelfwiggsson', '', 465, 468, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6687)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1306";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Mike Manley', '', 465, 468, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6697)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1307";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Maud of the Well', 'A.D. More', '', 465, 468, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6688)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1308";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Alusdar O` Labhradha', 'Alusdar O` Labhradha', '', 465, 481, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6689)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1309";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Tatianna ', 'Kimberley Stratford', 'HL', 5, 823, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6692)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1310";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Richarde', 'Glen Marcotte', 'Don', 5, 823, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6693)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1311";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Nikolaos Phaistos', 'Nikolaos Phaistos', '', 465, 467, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6694)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1312";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Kenneth Culver', '', 465, 481, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6695)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1313";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Cedric Wlfraven', 'Bryan Schnetter', 'Master', 5, 102, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6707)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1314";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Roberto Orsini', 'Robert Hargis', '', 465, 466, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6696)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1315";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Thomas of Gyldenholt', 'Tom Cassera', '', 465, 481, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6698)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1316";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Jerrik van den Helder', 'Erik Stemberg', '', 465, 481, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6699)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1317";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Corie', 'Corie', '', 465, 494, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6700)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1318";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Meghan', 'Meghan', '', 465, 494, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6701)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1319";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Edgar Builder', 'Ed Kroger', '', 520, 527, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6702)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1320";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Emiliano', 'Emilio Gomez', '', 611, 626, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', 'Pueblo', 'Colorado', '', 1, NULL, 6703)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1321";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Brianna York', '', 611, 626, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', 'Pueblo', 'Colorado', '', 1, NULL, 6704)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1322";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Kenneth M Weiss', '', 611, 626, 222685, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6705)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1323";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Janine Hohn', '', 5, 102, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6706)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1324";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Pam Klusman', '', 5, 102, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6708)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1325";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Tyler Watson-Schule', '', 5, 102, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6709)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1326";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Macha of Mountain Edge', 'Marti Bancroft', 'Dame', 5, 153, 0, '0000-00-00', 'macha@dragonsden.com', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6710)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1327";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Tala zz Zahra', 'Rachel', '', 2, 23, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6713)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1328";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Dan of Roxbury Mill', 'Dan', '', 2, 58, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6712)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1329";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Aylwin MacNeill', 'Chip Soules', '', 317, 369, 0, '0000-00-00', 'chipsoules1@gmail.com ', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6714)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1330";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Alexa', '', 192, 285, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6715)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1331";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Thorwulf Bjornsson', 'William Christiansen', 'Baron Sir', 5, 853, 0, '0000-00-00', 'wichr@telus.net', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6716)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1332";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Sigmund Gotz', 'Joshua Blythe', '', 720, 736, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6717)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1333";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Ariana of Dragons Bay', 'Trisha Meredith-Fraser', '', 720, 736, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6718)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1334";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Aliette de la Croix', 'Jennifer Gilley', '', 5, 113, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6719)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1335";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Phydeaux Weir', 'Bob Anderson', '', 5, 99, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6720)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1336";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Donae Morain', 'Debbie', '', 5, 100, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6721)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1337";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Biorn Atlason', 'Tom Allmendinger', '', 5, 100, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6722)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1338";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Norlyama Ono Dohe', 'Paul Gilley', '', 5, 113, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6723)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1339";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Brittany Coughlin', '', 4, 170, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6724)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1340";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Bonnie Futch', '', 4, 170, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6725)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1341";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Peder Jensen', 'George Beatie', '', 5, 109, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6726)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1342";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Isaac de Hugo', 'Andrew Bruegge', '', 2, 19, 0, '0000-00-00', 'vorderbruegg@winthrop.edu', '803-327-0813', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6727)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1343";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Aiculina', 'Sonia Sharp', '', 4, 170, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6728)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1344";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Tyshaz Kieva', 'Pat Saklas', 'Lady', 9, 592, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6729)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1345";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Robert the Doubtful', 'Robert Brown', 'Lord', 9, 592, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6730)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1346";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Andy the Bearded', 'Andy Slick', '', 9, 592, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6731)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1347";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Aine of Oldenfeld', 'Kris Dominick', '', 4, 170, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6732)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1348";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Amy Hawkinson', '', 2, 53, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6734)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1349";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'none', '', 5, 823, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6735)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1350";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'none', '', 5, 823, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6736)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1351";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Colette of Stonemarche', 'Colette Sevey', '', 9, 568, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6737)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1352";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Emmeline of Stonemarche', 'Emmeline Sevey', '', 9, 568, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6738)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1353";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Varrick', 'Dol', '', 5, 148, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6739)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1354";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Ulfrik', 'Dwyer', '', 5, 823, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6740)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1355";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Ulric Morgan', 'Richard Blackett', '', 5, 100, 0, '0000-00-00', 'Shaune', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6741)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1356";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Derek Swain', '', 5, 165, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6742)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1357";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Malek Marlschev of Samarqand', 'Brian Olson', '', 5, 108, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6743)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1358";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Vagn', 'Leevy Reed', '', 5, 159, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6744)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1359";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Dia Griffiths', '', 3, 97, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6745)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1360";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Gannon sp Heilen', 'Gannon Lewallen', '', 5, 99, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6746)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1361";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Tuathflaith ingen huí Chleirigh', 'Tracey Hanwell', 'Lady', 9, 589, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6747)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1362";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Zachary Yanes', '', 4, 185, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6748)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1363";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Tempus', 'Jeff Mitchell', '', 4, 168, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6749)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1364";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Sean', 'Sean Ramsay', '', 4, 168, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6750)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1365";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Evgenii', 'Brian Gang', '', 3, 66, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6751)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1366";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Siobhan Roudnait', 'Lorelei Abbey', '', 3, 66, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6752)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1367";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Padraig O`Branduibh', 'Patrick DeWind', '', 3, 66, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6753)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1368";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Geniveve Rose de Glendalough', 'Patresha Roehre', 'Baroness', 194, 247, 0, '0000-00-00', 'ladygenrose@gmail.com', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6754)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1369";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Thos Sylvestre', 'John Lynch', '', 194, 247, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6755)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1370";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Armand des Chartres', 'Daniel M Pipe II', '', 194, 247, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6756)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1371";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Elizabeth de Glendalough', 'Alesha Schantz', '', 194, 247, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6757)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1372";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Don Schantz', '', 194, 247, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6758)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1373";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Tessine de Lyons', 'Ambre Pipe', '', 194, 247, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6759)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1374";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Mark Miller', '', 192, 308, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6760)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1375";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Briget', 'Christi McClur', '', 192, 305, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6761)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1376";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('James Van Meter', 'James', '', 192, 305, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6762)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1377";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Helayne', 'Kylee Truswell', '', 720, 742, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6763)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1378";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Erica of Stormvale', 'Erica McGuigen', '', 194, 263, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6764)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1379";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Eva', 'Willow', '', 192, 285, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6765)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1380";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Grace the Bruised', 'Brenda Reiner', '', 2, 22, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6766)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1381";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Boiorn', 'Josh Landry', '', 611, 633, 222802, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6767)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1382";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Martim doPorto', 'Travis Price', '', 611, 633, 119156, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6768)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1383";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Ainslee Goldheart', 'Cheri Beatie', '', 5, 109, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6769)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1384";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Xenos', 'Pete Lazzaretti', '', 5, 165, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6770)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1385";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Milisandia', 'Amy Harper', '', 5, 145, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6771)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1386";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Alyna Trewpeny', 'Alyna', '', 5, 109, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6772)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1387";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Aurelia D`Ouessant', 'Monica McKeon', '', 317, 335, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6773)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1388";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Deralai ingen Ferat', 'Erica Birrell', '', 317, 322, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6774)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1389";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('William Warren', 'William Ringer', 'Baron', 317, 335, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6775)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1390";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Walerich Von Bredereke', 'Patrick Oliver', 'Viscount', 317, 337, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6776)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1391";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Katla', 'Kate Craig', '', 317, 318, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6777)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1392";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Ulf ar inn Sratr', 'Ulf Pitre', '', 317, 318, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6778)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1393";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Sedany DeCorwyn', 'DJ Miyake', '', 317, 318, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6779)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1394";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Kolskegg Shieldbreaker', 'Forrest Cord', '', 317, 318, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6780)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1395";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Niall Mor', 'Ben Cislowski', '', 317, 318, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6781)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1396";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Frederick de Cathcart', 'Ronald Birrell', '', 317, 318, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6782)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1397";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Wulfwyn of Meduseld', 'Carol Fraser', 'Baroness', 5, 853, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6783)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1398";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Niall MacBrecht', 'Gryffin A. Medina', '', 683, 696, 0, '0000-00-00', 'GryffinMedina@gmail.com', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6784)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1399";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Mark Phariss', '', 5, 105, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6785)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1400";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Marcus', 'Noah Callaway', '', 5, 105, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6786)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1401";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Gretta Klaassen', '', 5, 105, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6787)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1402";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Verena Reynhartt', 'Mandee Schell', '', 5, 105, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6788)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1403";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Madelena Vieri', 'Molly Moench', '', 5, 105, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6789)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1404";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Alicia du Bois', '', 5, 105, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6790)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1405";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Alieana of the Marche', 'Nikki McNaughton', '', 400, 422, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6791)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1406";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Eileen D`Arcy', 'Alexis Laur', '', 400, 422, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6792)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1407";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Zarek Guay', 'Steve Belval', '', 400, 422, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6793)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1408";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Kata Aragunnrsdottir', 'Catherine Hagler', '', 194, 257, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6794)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1409";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Lucius Lowthwayne', 'Tim Brauer', '', 400, 422, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6795)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1410";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Soma Hjalmersdottir', 'Carmen Ball', '', 194, 262, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6796)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1411";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Vigfus Brendoken', 'Jonas Allooh', '', 194, 255, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6797)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1412";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Ronan Mac Imair', 'Ron Hanagan', '', 2, 20, 0, '0000-00-00', 'ron.hanagan@gmail.com', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7116)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1413";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Mychell of Cynnabar', 'Mickey Sperlich', '', 194, 253, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6799)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1414";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Eveleen the Agressive', 'Colleen Shuman', '', 400, 422, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6800)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1415";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Alianor bat Asriel', 'Marylyn Meyer', '', 194, 854, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6801)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1416";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Bryn Archer', 'Emily', '', 194, 854, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6802)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1417";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Willam De Merik', 'Willam De Merik', '', 5, 109, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6803)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1418";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Faolin MacCormaic', 'Tristan Hoack', '', 194, 204, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6804)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1419";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Raoul D`Aramitz', 'Arik Riehl', '', 194, 255, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6805)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1420";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Alfairin Fani', 'Daniel Hernandez', '', 194, 204, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6806)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1421";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Jazmin', 'Amanda Hernandez', '', 5, 165, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6807)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1422";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Heinric Wilhelm von Ansbach', 'Mike', '', 5, 105, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6808)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1423";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Rashida bint Yusuf', 'Amanda Koppel', '', 5, 112, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6809)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1424";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Ulf', 'David Kennedy', '', 5, 148, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6810)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1425";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Wesley', 'Wes Hickox', '', 5, 152, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6811)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1426";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Austin', 'Austin Bach', '', 5, 152, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6812)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1427";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Mykhail Andronikhov', 'Paul Kilmer', 'Baron', 194, 247, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6813)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1428";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Rick VanMohr', '', 5, 100, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6814)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1429";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Merewyn of York', 'Shannon McLaughlin', 'The Honourable Lady', 5, 853, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6815)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1430";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Serge Fjetland', '', 5, 853, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6816)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1431";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Philipp Reimer von Wolfenbüttel', 'Phil Selman', '', 194, 204, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6817)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1432";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Ken or Roxbury Mill', 'Ken Lorber', '', 2, 58, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6818)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1433";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Sara of Roxbury Mill', 'Sara Lorber', '', 2, 58, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6819)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1434";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Serena Amerelli', 'Liz Bull', '', 317, 334, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6820)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1435";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Andrew Stiubhard', 'Eric Malain', 'Archos', 5, 110, 0, '0000-00-00', 'archery3m@yahoo.com', '503-974-4931', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6821)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1436";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Matthew of Vinjar', 'Matthew Stoffelsen', '', 5, 163, 0, '0000-00-00', 'spacespider067@gmail.com', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6822)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1437";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Fahim', 'Bobby Haro', '', 5, 134, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6823)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1438";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Quincy Clark', '', 5, 134, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6824)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1439";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Connal Maclouman', 'Nathan Brown', 'Baron', 5, 823, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6825)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1440";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Matillis Atte Hethe', 'Linda Heath', '', 5, 165, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6826)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1441";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('William Robinson', 'Billy Robinson', '', 5, 106, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6827)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1442";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Fiora d`Artusio', 'Whitney Schoenthal', '', 3, 65, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6828)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1443";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Aldis Thorsdottor', 'Kathryn Turr', '', 2, 45, 0, '0000-00-00', 'lunabelle0@yahoo.com', '757-705-7549', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6829)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1444";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Mikial Aldrich', 'Greg Smith', '', 5, 100, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6830)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1445";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Yana of Abertridwr', 'Yana Allum', '', 720, 721, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6831)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1446";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Sharon Beresford', '', 424, 442, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6832)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1447";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Robert Beresford', '', 424, 442, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6833)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1448";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Alicia Marie de Flers', 'Chikako Mochizuki', '', 424, 442, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6834)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1449";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Michael Brekebowe', 'Michael Arms', '', 611, 619, 212518, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6835)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1450";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Sarah Rappe', '', 611, 619, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6836)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1451";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Fred Kestler', '', 611, 626, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6837)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1452";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Thorgar', 'David Longmark', '', 5, 100, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6838)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1453";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Michael', 'Michael Reedy', '', 5, 100, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6839)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1454";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('William Crane le Forestier', 'Timothy Crane', '', 3, 65, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6840)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1455";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Michael de Lundi', 'Kevin Rush', '', 424, 429, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6841)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1456";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Alisa of Lonely Tower', 'Lisa Hanson', '', 424, 429, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6842)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1457";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Jay of Lyondemere', 'Jay', '', 465, 484, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6843)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1458";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Rory McGowen', 'Rory McGowen', '', 424, 427, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6844)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1459";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Shane Bax', '', 424, 428, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6845)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1460";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Cecilia de Gatisbury', 'Jennifer Moody', '', 424, 426, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6846)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1461";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Geoffrey MacDhomhuill', 'Bob Gillespie', 'Sir', 683, 706, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6847)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1462";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Loraine', 'Francis Newberry', '', 683, 698, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6848)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1463";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Eadwynn aet Hraefneshyrste', 'Edna McCulloch', 'Lady', 9, 580, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6849)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1464";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Alf of Distant Shore', 'Alfred McLean', '', 9, 580, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6850)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1465";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Geirleikr Vedrson', 'Cameron Visser', '', 5, 117, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6851)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1466";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Ariel of St Basil', 'Ariel Lyons', '', 720, 748, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6852)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1467";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Almeric Wulfgang von Ristau', 'Travis Harvey', '', 4, 167, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6853)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1468";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Kurn O` Farrell', 'Farrell Rogers', '', 4, 188, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6854)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1469";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Holly', '', 5, 823, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6855)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1470";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Sabjorn', 'Kyler Peddie', '', 4, 170, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6856)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1471";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Kenneth Wayne', 'Kenneth Baese', '', 520, 536, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6857)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1472";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Wulf', 'Caleb Schade', '', 520, 536, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6858)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1473";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Farrah Wolf', 'Shannon Morton', '', 5, 100, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6859)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1474";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Stone Wolf', 'Philip B Morton III', '', 5, 100, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6860)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1475";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Gunnar', 'Kenneth King', '', 5, 100, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6861)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1476";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Verith de Prendergast', 'Jason Prendergast', '', 5, 100, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6862)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1477";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Otto Bauer', 'Daniel Bauer', '', 5, 100, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6863)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1478";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Mark Anderson', '', 611, 616, 223559, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6864)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1479";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Stephane Griffin', '', 5, 98, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6865)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1480";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Idonia Sherwood', 'Miriam Pike', '', 5, 98, 0, '0000-00-00', 'idoniasherwood@gmail.com', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6866)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1481";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Richard', '', 5, 98, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6867)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1482";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('William Robinson', 'Billy Robinson', '', 5, 8, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6868)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1483";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Eva Woderose', 'Naomi Anderson', 'Mistress', 9, 315, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6869)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1484";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Dee of the Bog', 'Dee', '', 3, 67, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6870)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1485";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Jonah Helfert', 'Jonah Helfert', '', 520, 521, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6871)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1486";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Zoe', 'Zoe', '', 520, 521, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6872)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1487";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Joshua', 'Joshua', '', 520, 521, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6873)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1488";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Jeffrey of Shadowlands', 'Jeffrey Demieville', '', 192, 291, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6874)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1489";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Jessica of Shadowlands', 'Jessica Sanchez', '', 192, 291, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6875)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1490";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Luke', 'Luke Sandelin', '', 192, 291, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6876)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1491";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Kelsey of Shadowlands', 'Kelsey McCleskey', '', 192, 291, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6877)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1492";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Gwynedd Cole', 'Lisa Heller', '', 194, 231, 0, '0000-00-00', 'hellers.angel@gmail.com ', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6878)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1493";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Anne Walker', '', 194, 231, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6879)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1494";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Robin of Twyford', 'Roy Worral', '', 720, 743, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6880)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1495";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Melinda of Burnfield', 'Melinda Kuhn', '', 720, 730, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6881)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1496";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Michael of Burnfield', 'Michael Kuhn', '', 720, 730, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6882)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1497";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Hannah of Burnfield', 'Hannah Kuhn', '', 720, 730, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6883)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1498";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Caterina de Matioli', 'Deanna Kotsopaulus', '', 720, 833, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6884)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1499";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Siobhan of RH', 'Siobhan Mouncey', '', 720, 743, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6885)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1500";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Enkara', 'Krisztina Vanya', '', 720, 743, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6886)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1501";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Alexander de Matioli', 'Alexander Kotsopaulus', '', 720, 833, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6887)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1502";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Ashley Evans', '', 5, 165, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6888)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1503";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Alric Ivarsson', 'Eric Dolph', '', 5, 111, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6889)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1504";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Helyn of Stonemarche', 'Erica Driscoll', '', 9, 568, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6890)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1505";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Kim of Stonemarche', 'Kim Hallett', '', 9, 568, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6891)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1506";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Ciar', 'Brandy Stier', '', 5, 102, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6892)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1507";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Loretta', 'Czkala', '', 5, 110, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6893)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1508";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Henri Fleche`', 'Pero', '', 5, 110, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6894)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1509";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Aubrey Kendall of Rosewood ', 'Kenneth Snyder', '', 424, 442, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6895)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1510";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Max of Seagirt', 'Maxine Hinton', '', 5, 823, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6896)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1511";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Ace', 'Sarah Garcia', '', 192, 291, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6897)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1512";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Gerald', 'Gerald Chiu', '', 192, 291, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6898)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1513";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Ali Desouza', 'Nathira', '', 317, 367, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6899)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1514";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Nathira', 'Ali DeSouza', '', 317, 334, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6900)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1515";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Chris Willis-Ford', '', 5, 102, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6901)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1516";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Yseult of Broceliande', 'Pam Perryman', 'MIstress', 5, 98, 0, '0000-00-00', 'pam@bobwhitman.com', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6902)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1517";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Artemesia di Penneli', 'Kimberly Parker', '', 4, 170, 0, '0000-00-00', 'kimswhimsart@yahoo.com', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6903)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1518";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Hannah Stonhard', 'Penny Higgins', '', 3, 68, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6904)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1519";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Robert Warren', '', 3, 68, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6905)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1520";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Caty Tallmadge', '', 3, 68, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6906)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1521";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Tamie of Southron Gaard', 'Tamie Lee Habershon', '', 720, 745, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6907)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1522";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Maya', 'Maya Arb', '', 465, 494, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6908)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1523";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Kevin', 'Kevin', '', 520, 521, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6909)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1524";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Greg', 'Greg', '', 520, 521, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6910)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1525";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('John Fetterson of the Misty Hills', 'John Fetters', '', 465, 484, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6911)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1526";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Katherine of Anglesey', 'Katherine Baldwin', 'Mistress', 465, 486, 0, '0000-00-00', 'misskofa@wildblue.net', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6912)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1527";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Bryan Doucette', '', 2, 13, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6913)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1528";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'David Kalbaugh', '', 2, 13, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6914)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1529";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Havelok Outlawe', 'Robert Williams', '', 720, 742, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6915)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1530";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Eyfura Eydisandottir', 'Elonwy Hickey', '', 720, 742, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6916)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1531";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Ngaire', '', 720, 742, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6917)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1532";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Evan Higgins (JRR)', '', 3, 68, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6918)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1533";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Livia', 'Calee McCallum', '', 192, 291, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6919)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1534";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('kattelle', 'Axelle Weeger', '', 317, 334, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6920)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1535";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Fallon', 'Maia Turner', '', 5, 145, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6921)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1536";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Pavel Dudoladov', 'Paul Warlop', '', 3, 65, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6922)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1537";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Verena Wittkopf', 'Julia Wittkamper', '', 3, 75, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6923)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1538";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Leonie de Grey', 'Annette Wilson', '', 720, 724, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6924)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1539";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Ethan Hunt', '', 720, 721, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6925)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1540";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Seth Vlietstra', '', 720, 736, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6926)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1541";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Emelia of Dragon`s Bay', 'Emelia Salmela', '', 720, 736, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6927)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1542";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Celestria Textrix', 'Dawn Poggas Bates', '', 317, 361, 0, '0000-00-00', 'c_textrix@yahoo.com', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6928)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1543";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Gabriel van Dorne', 'Luke Swadling', '', 720, 742, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7507)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1544";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Michael MacGarry', 'Kevin Willis', '', 520, 536, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7506)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1545";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Stephen de la Bere', 'Steven Linkhart', 'Court Baron of the West', 317, 364, 0, '0000-00-00', 'stevel@mtaonline.net', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6930)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1546";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Bruce Westra', '', 4, 169, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6931)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1547";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Pamela Green', '', 4, 169, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6932)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1548";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Eric Green', '', 4, 169, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6933)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1549";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Brynjolf', 'Keith Baker', '', 5, 103, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6934)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1550";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'vanessa Clark', '', 720, 742, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6935)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1551";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Jack Argent', 'Mikhail Patston-Gill', '', 720, 742, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6936)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1552";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Ramie Linkoff', '', 5, 102, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6937)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1553";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Dalton Arundel', 'James Martin', 'Archos', 5, 106, 0, '0000-00-00', 'ice.tiger@shaw.ca', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6938)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1554";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Emily Bottle', '', 2, 13, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6939)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1555";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Bera', 'Sarah Wilson', '', 611, 616, 59351, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6940)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1556";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Crispin', 'Chris Wilson', '', 611, 616, 59358, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6941)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1557";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Meghan ni Guinne', 'Amy Wilson', '', 611, 616, 59359, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6942)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1558";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Anabel de Chesehelme', 'Jeanne Kroush', '', 2, 22, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6943)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1559";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Nefastus', 'Kevin Young', '', 2, 22, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6944)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1560";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Hillary Hardison', '', 683, 703, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6945)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1561";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Katie Veon', '', 2, 13, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6946)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1562";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Anthony', 'Marc Anthony', '', 192, 291, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6947)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1563";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Ronan Mackay', 'Steve Hearin', 'Archos', 5, 111, 0, '0000-00-00', 'ronan.mackay@yahoo.com', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6948)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1564";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Lauren of Stonemarche', 'Lauren Hunting', '', 9, 568, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6949)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1565";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Dallin of Stonemarche', 'Dallin Hunting', '', 9, 568, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6950)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1566";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Emma of Stonemarche', 'Emma Hunting', '', 9, 568, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6951)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1567";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Kelly of Giggleswick', 'Kelly Dumont', '', 9, 568, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6952)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1568";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Sarah Glen', '', 317, 334, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6953)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1569";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Hrothric of Fenwald', 'Vitaly Krasnov', '', 5, 145, 0, '0000-00-00', 'hrothricandfelipa@gmail.com', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6954)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1570";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Ulfgar Eirnarson', 'Asher', '', 465, 494, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6955)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1571";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Samantha of Starkhafn', 'Samantha', '', 465, 494, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6956)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1572";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Halfdane', 'Paul', '', 465, 494, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6957)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1573";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Summer of Starkhafn', 'Summer Brooke', '', 465, 494, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6958)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1574";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Eirikr Bjarnylr', 'Eric Johnson', 'Lord', 683, 684, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6959)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1575";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Basil', 'Kevin Lowe', '', 683, 697, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6960)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1576";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Eleanor du Chester', 'Erin Miller', 'Lady', 683, 711, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6961)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1577";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Mykeal Halfdan', 'Dennis Olson', 'Lord', 683, 692, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6962)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1578";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Eoin Mac a Ghobhainn', 'Jesse Stamper', '', 192, 289, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6963)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1579";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Yllana MacEwan', 'Paige Roberts', '', 192, 289, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6964)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1580";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Anne Harper', 'Patricia AW Allison', 'Lady', 192, 296, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6965)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1581";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Edward du Bois', 'Gary Wood', '', 192, 289, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6966)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1582";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Maria Donald of Windmaster Hill', 'Mary Donald', '', 192, 289, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6967)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1583";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Ysmiralda', 'Linda Jarrell', '', 192, 289, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6968)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1584";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Matthew Pagliaro', '', 192, 289, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6969)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1585";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Edward Cooper', 'Chris Evans', '', 720, 758, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6970)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1586";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Ben of Stowe', 'Ben Hietanen', '', 720, 758, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6971)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1587";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Ines of Stowe', 'Silvia Ormeno', '', 720, 758, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6972)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1588";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Vera of Stowe', 'Anna Robles', '', 720, 758, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6973)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1589";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Robert of Ely', 'Bon Benton', '', 720, 758, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6974)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1590";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Mathias Von Massenbach', 'Thomas Higgs', '', 720, 758, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6975)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1591";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Simeon Wallas', 'Simon Donnachy', '', 720, 758, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6976)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1592";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Seth Dowdall', 'Seth Daniel', '', 720, 758, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6977)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1593";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Fromund Aesir', 'Joshua Clapham', '', 720, 745, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6978)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1594";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Mary Garrett', 'Mary Dahlberg', 'Mistress', 194, 270, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6979)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1595";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Eirik the Elder', 'Frank Scott', 'Baron', 194, 270, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6980)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1596";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Freeman', 'Doug Freeman', '', 5, 98, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6981)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1597";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Solange Sarrazin', 'Halli Keller', '', 192, 291, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6982)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1598";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Nathan Thomas', 'Nathan Thomas Wright', '', 192, 289, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6983)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1599";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Drake of Seven Oakes', 'Larry Knowles', '', 5, 159, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6984)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1600";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Ragnar the Vile', 'Alex Hofgesang', '', 720, 721, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6985)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1601";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Rachelle of Dragon`s Bay', 'Rachelle Hill', '', 720, 736, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6986)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1602";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Constanza of Thamesreach', 'Genny Grim', 'Lady', 768, 780, 0, '0000-00-00', 'gennygrim@yahoo.co.uk', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6987)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1603";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Jon Knutsson ór Finnmǫrk', 'Petteri Hoisko', '', 768, 814, 0, '0000-00-00', 'routamato@gmail.com', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6988)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1604";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Yannick of Normandy', 'Mick McManis', 'Lord', 768, 779, 0, '0000-00-00', 'archerymarshal@insulaedraconis.org', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6989)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1605";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Pedher Mikaelsson', 'Per Berg', 'Lord', 768, 782, 0, '0000-00-00', 'archery@nordmark.org', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6990)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1606";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Aefe or Ava Ingn o`Kelly', 'Emily Taylor', '', 5, 145, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6991)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1607";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Megan Hawkins', '', 5, 145, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6992)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1608";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Thorgeirr the Thirsty', 'Richard Rogers', '', 5, 145, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6993)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1609";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Adele', 'Adele', '', 520, 521, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6994)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1610";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Isolda Deye', 'Anastasia Jubb', '', 720, 729, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6995)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1611";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Aefic Von Neindorf', 'Nathan Ingram', '', 720, 729, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6996)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1612";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Nicholas Saquell', '', 720, 729, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6997)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1613";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Joshua Moore', '', 720, 729, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6998)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1614";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Andrej Enriquez', '', 720, 729, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 6999)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1615";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Eirikr Varghosson', 'Eric Field', '', 4, 169, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7000)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1616";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Dias Torres', 'David M Torres', '', 4, 181, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7001)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1617";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Wolfram Gottfried', 'Mike', '', 192, 289, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7002)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1618";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Grimolfr Brytrok', 'Joe Roberts', '', 192, 289, 0, '0000-00-00', 'joe-roberts@austin.rr.com', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7003)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1619";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Woody of Gwyntarian', 'Harold W Adamson', '', 194, 227, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7004)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1620";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Lauren Squires', '', 720, 742, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7005)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1621";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Declan Vogt', '', 720, 742, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7006)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1622";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Dafydd de Mortemer', 'David Mortimore', '', 192, 289, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7007)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1623";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Nikolina Tesla', 'Mae Runz', '', 683, 696, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7008)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1624";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Alexandria Simpson', '', 683, 696, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7009)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1625";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Thorhall Wulfstanson', 'James Nikolich', '', 683, 704, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7010)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1626";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Rohais de Revenscroft', 'Kimberly Tuttle', '', 683, 704, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7011)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1627";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Rhys Tuttle', '', 683, 704, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7012)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1628";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Wolfgang von Tolstat', 'Sean Peterson', '', 520, 536, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7013)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1629";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Jun Yamasaki', 'Saughn Reardon', '', 520, 536, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7014)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1630";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Heather Rogers', '', 4, 188, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7015)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1631";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Neassa Luiseid', 'Jesse', '', 4, 188, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7016)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1632";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Alexis MacAlister', 'Bev Roden', '', 4, 169, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7017)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1633";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Aurora Raven', 'kelly grimaldi', '', 4, 169, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7018)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1634";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('NoHun', 'Rebecca Hukle', '', 4, 187, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7019)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1635";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Godric FitzEdmond', 'Kenneth LeBlanc', '', 9, 558, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7020)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1636";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Nest Verch Tangwistel', 'Tanya Sanders', '', 9, 558, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7021)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1637";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Bronwyn of the Kings Field', 'Patrice LeBlanc', '', 9, 558, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7022)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1638";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Brocciardus Damonte', 'Michael Montefusco', '', 9, 559, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7023)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1639";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Steffan LeTuric', 'steve Tereotte', '', 4, 169, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7024)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1640";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Bryndis', 'Jill Leggett', '', 4, 179, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7025)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1641";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Gradhill', 'Greg Hill', '', 4, 169, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7026)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1642";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Liadan ingen Diarmata', 'Kelly Field', '', 4, 169, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7027)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1643";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Wylef the Stubborn', 'Luke Reardon', '', 520, 536, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7028)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1644";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Roderik Gierson', 'Tom Sommer', '', 465, 484, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7029)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1645";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Tyler Brandvold', 'Tyler Brandvold', '', 520, 536, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7030)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1646";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Sarah Rappe', '', 611, 616, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7031)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1647";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Lucrezia Colze', 'Celeste Atkins', '', 520, 521, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7032)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1648";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Dustin', 'Dustin', '', 520, 521, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7033)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1649";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Veyla', 'Heather', '', 520, 521, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7034)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1650";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Leif', 'Leif', '', 520, 521, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7035)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1651";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Aaron', 'Aaron', '', 520, 521, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7036)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1652";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('A. J.', 'A. J. McCorristan', '', 520, 521, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7037)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1653";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Ulfberht', 'Rob', '', 520, 521, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7038)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1654";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Allen of Starkhafn', 'Allen Arb', '', 465, 494, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7039)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1655";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Max of Starkhafn', 'Max', '', 465, 494, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7040)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1656";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Zach Moore', '', 5, 105, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7041)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1657";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Halfdan Langleggr', 'William Burton', '', 9, 558, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7042)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1658";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Hope of Smocking Rocks', 'Hope Burton', '', 9, 558, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7043)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1659";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Gabriel Luvdey ', 'Joshua Shafer', 'Viscount', 5, 98, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7044)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1660";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Bowen Doyle', 'Gilbert Vessels', 'Lord', 5, 154, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7045)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1661";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Tristan Munroe ', 'Skyler Sexton', 'Lord', 5, 154, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7046)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1662";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Cale Heartsblood', 'Travis Morris', 'Lord', 5, 129, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7047)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1663";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Brian Caius Brittanicus', 'Brian Ludbery', 'VIscount', 5, 109, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7048)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1664";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Massies Duqua', 'William Edwards', '', 5, 129, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7049)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1665";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Al Sayyid Azizah bint Rustam', 'Meghan', 'Lady', 5, 109, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7050)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1666";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Ivan Shieldbane', 'Chris Ivonelli', '', 5, 154, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7051)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1667";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Brogan O`Bryant', ' Andrew', 'Viscount', 5, 134, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7052)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1668";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Cyrus Augur', 'Shane Davis', '', 3, 827, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7053)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1669";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Armand Chavez de Castille', 'Armand', 'Don', 5, 145, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7054)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1670";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Skúli Geirsson', 'Elijah Teal-Cribbs', '', 5, 131, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7055)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1671";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Alexandria of Stierbach', 'Gabriella Taylor', '', 2, 22, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7056)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1672";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Mike Bowman', '', 194, 263, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7057)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1673";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Peter Cadarn', 'Peter Kirsch-Korff', 'Baron', 465, 468, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7058)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1674";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Brunner', 'Mark Tudor', '', 465, 471, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7059)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1675";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Francesca de Carrara', 'Angie Hoffman', '', 465, 471, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7060)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1676";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Fiametta della Isola', 'Nida Stationwala', '', 465, 481, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7061)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1677";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'James Mcgee', '', 317, 334, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7062)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1678";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('William', 'Nick', '', 520, 521, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7063)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1679";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Violetta', 'Kristen Johnson', '', 520, 521, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7064)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1680";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Molly', 'Molly', '', 520, 521, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7065)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1681";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('John Q', 'John Q', '', 520, 521, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7066)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1682";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Thomas Skeet', 'Jay Schlauch', '', 465, 484, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7067)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1683";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Matthew', 'Matthew', '', 640, 661, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7068)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1684";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Hermina Matilda de Aninesleah', 'Jocelyn', '', 640, 645, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7069)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1685";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Robyn Kirke', 'Greg', '', 640, 645, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7070)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1686";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Illano', 'Sydney', '', 640, 654, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7071)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1687";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Sigound Eisenhaut', 'M.', '', 640, 645, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7072)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1688";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Rachelle Dominique de Brienne', 'Tammy Ledueke', '', 640, 645, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7073)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1689";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Christina de Bagnold', 'Dawn', '', 640, 645, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7074)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1690";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Travis of Korsvag', 'Travis Dehne', '', 640, 654, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7075)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1691";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Cehero Oakensword', 'Cameron Christian-Weir', '', 640, 661, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7076)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1692";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Emer', 'Emer', '', 640, 654, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7077)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1693";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Andrew of Korsvag', 'Andrew Dehne', '', 640, 654, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7078)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1694";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Katarzyna de Castello Rosso', 'Karen', '', 640, 645, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7079)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1695";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Catalina Ana de Salamanca', 'Katrina O`Keefe', '', 192, 289, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7080)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1696";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Brendan ap Llewelyn', 'James D. Sena', 'HL', 5, 124, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7081)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1697";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Yrmegard de Groet', 'Elizabeth Nance', 'Lady', 5, 111, 0, '0000-00-00', 'YrmegarddeGroet@gmail.com', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7082)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1698";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Kjatvi Cyriacson', 'Corey Taylor', '', 5, 108, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7083)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1699";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Galus Primulus', 'Andrew Poll', '', 5, 826, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7084)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1700";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Yama Waldrykson', 'Fra?????', 'Lord', 5, 129, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7085)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1701";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Tadhg O`Murchadha the Wanderer', 'Tadhg Simmons', 'Baron', 5, 98, 0, '0000-00-00', 'baron.tadhg@gmail.com', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7086)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1702";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Laurence of Damascus', 'Larry Leach', 'Sgt', 5, 110, 0, '0000-00-00', 'leachl@gmail.com', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7087)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1703";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Pádraig Ó connell', 'Patrick McKinnion', 'Lord', 5, 99, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7088)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1704";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Mhari ni Padraig', 'Mhari McKinnion', '', 5, 99, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7089)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1705";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Eric Dudgeon', 'Eric Dudgeon', '', 5, 99, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7090)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1706";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Katarin D`estranja', 'Kat Moss', '', 5, 98, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7091)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1707";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Sarah the Red', 'Saah Bosch', '', 5, 98, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7092)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1708";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Daos', 'Michael Dean', '', 5, 103, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7093)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1709";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Grizz', 'Alan', '', 5, 145, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7094)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1710";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Ulric von Mainz', 'Dan Schmitz', '', 2, 19, 0, '0000-00-00', 'danielschmitz63@gmail.com', '803-749-2079', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7095)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1711";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Jason of Isenfir', 'Jason Aaron', '', 2, 57, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7096)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1712";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Sorchae of Isenfir', 'Sorchae Aaron', '', 2, 57, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7097)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1713";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Landi Harlsson', 'H. L. Falls', '', 2, 57, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7098)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1714";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Sally', 'Sally Family', '', 5, 98, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7099)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1715";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Laura', 'Laura Family', '', 5, 98, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7100)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1716";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Bjorn', 'Bjorn', '', 5, 98, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7101)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1717";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Kseniya Mikhailovna Morskaya', 'Melissa Morman', 'Mistress', 611, 616, 30557, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7102)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1718";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Iaenbryht Græghar', 'John Hirling', 'Master', 192, 297, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7103)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1719";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Gianni Sangermano', 'Jason Sangermano', '', 611, 613, 117350, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7104)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1720";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Megan Kreger', 'Megan Kreger', '', 611, 613, 135296, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7105)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1721";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Antoine de Vallier', 'Jason McAuliffe', '', 611, 613, 98218, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7106)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1722";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Morgan of Dragonsspine', 'Morgan McAuliffe', '', 611, 613, 223017, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7107)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1723";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Broddi Hornabrjotr', 'Scott Webber', 'Baron', 611, 613, 110057, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7108)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1724";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('David the Tinkerer', 'David Waegere', '', 611, 613, 202510, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7109)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1725";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Ealusaid Choluim', 'Beckie Mann', '', 611, 613, 201877, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7110)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1726";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Mael Mide Ingen Domnaill', 'Melissa Webber', '', 611, 613, 206833, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7111)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1727";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Andrew', 'Andrew Graf', '', 192, 291, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7112)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1728";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Joseph Karels', '', 4, 168, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7113)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1729";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Charles Morfin, Jr', '', 465, 484, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7114)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1730";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Alistair Buchanan', 'Christopher Jones', '', 465, 484, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7115)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1731";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Trina Spooner', '', 611, 612, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7117)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1732";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Carly Vanlaningham', '', 611, 612, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7118)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1733";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Evan Goodell', '', 611, 612, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7119)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1734";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Scott', '', 611, 612, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7120)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1735";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Amelia', '', 611, 612, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7121)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1736";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Evan', '', 611, 612, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7122)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1737";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Carly', '', 611, 612, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7123)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1738";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Trina', '', 611, 612, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7124)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1739";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Evlyn Death', 'D. Kinnaman', '', 611, 616, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7125)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1740";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Cellach MacChormach', 'Jesse Weber', '', 194, 238, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7126)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1741";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Vukasin', 'Jecy Weber', '', 194, 238, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7127)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1742";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('AnnMarie Morgaine', 'Ann-Marie Small', '', 194, 270, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7128)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1743";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Cadogan Blaydes', 'na', '', 194, 270, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7129)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1744";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Tarmach', 'Richard Mandel', '', 194, 231, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7130)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1745";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Osric Fletcher', 'Chris Bermingham', '', 5, 8, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7131)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1746";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Heinrich Schreiber', 'James Hansard ', '', 720, 742, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7132)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1747";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'David Robertson', '', 4, 169, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7133)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1748";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Eve Atkinson', 'Kricket Atkinson', '', 465, 481, 0, '0000-00-00', 'snobrdchic@hotmail.com', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7134)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1749";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Clare Atkinson', 'Coreena Robinson', '', 465, 481, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7135)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1750";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Gregory Atkinson', 'Greg Atkinson', '', 465, 481, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7136)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1751";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Bronwen O Gydweli', 'Peggy Hicks', 'Mistress', 683, 703, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7137)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1752";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Ottin Ott', 'Thomas Humburg', '', 683, 716, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7138)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1753";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('John of Sudwelle', 'Larry Andrews', 'Baron', 465, 471, 0, '0000-00-00', 'landrews@ucsd.edu', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7139)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1754";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Matilda Seton', 'Wendy Neathery-Wise', '', 611, 612, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7140)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1755";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Anne Bigod', 'Leanne Neathery-Wise', '', 611, 612, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7141)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1756";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Mordred', 'Doug Park', '', 194, 200, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7142)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1757";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Alrekr Eiriksson', 'Daniel Ross', '', 194, 270, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7143)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1758";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Noisiu Ulfsdottir', 'Sarah Marie Thompson', '', 194, 855, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7144)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1759";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Togashi Ryukata', 'Kevin Goad', '', 194, 206, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7145)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1760";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('El`Aria', 'Dawn Kilpatrick', '', 194, 240, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7146)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1761";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Hrolf Jameson', 'Jameson', '', 194, 268, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7147)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1762";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Rhynella', 'Karyn Taylor', '', 194, 195, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7148)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1763";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Arthur Archer', 'Bo Harris', '', 194, 216, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7149)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1764";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Ingold', 'Tim Rittgers', '', 194, 270, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7150)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1765";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Machonna', 'Matt Swanson', '', 194, 213, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7151)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1766";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Kjalvor Sarbjarnarsdottir', 'Teka England', '', 194, 206, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7152)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1767";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Sean the Lost', 'Seam Gibson', '', 194, 204, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7153)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1768";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Sarah', 'Sarah Spangler', '', 194, 206, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7154)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1769";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Justice McArtain', 'Justice Napier, Jr.', '', 194, 199, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7155)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1770";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Ketill Melrakki', 'Joe Chapman', '', 194, 270, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7156)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1771";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Nerissa della Badessa', 'Leslie Abeyta Dionne', '', 194, 195, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7157)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1772";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Adam Carmychel', 'Adam Ellard', '', 194, 199, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7158)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1773";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Joseph Wolfe', 'Charlie Whitebreed', '', 611, 626, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7159)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1774";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Ivan', 'Ivan Merl', '', 611, 613, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7160)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1775";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Ricky Ulfrsson', 'Ricky Cason', '', 720, 833, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7161)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1776";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Desiree Gomez', '', 611, 634, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7162)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1777";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Sancio the Basque', 'Michael Boswell', '', 611, 616, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7163)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1778";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Steffan LeTurk', 'Steve Turcotte', '', 4, 825, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7164)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1779";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Adella', 'Jennifer Tucker', '', 194, 831, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7165)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1780";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Red', 'Roger Alexander', '', 194, 206, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7166)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1781";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Desmond O`Connor', 'Bob Connor', '', 194, 216, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7167)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1782";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Etigar of Chiswick', 'Susan Byatt', '', 194, 269, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7168)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1783";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Fuginara no Ka`neko', 'Jessica Gruendler', '', 194, 212, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7169)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1784";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Kaine McPherson', 'Kaine Glick', '', 194, 204, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7170)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1785";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Korina', 'Korina Apa', '', 194, 197, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7171)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1786";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Morganna Rose', 'Morgan Perdue', '', 194, 220, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7172)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1787";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Michael Landconshire', 'Bill Keltner', '', 194, 216, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7173)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1788";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Nessa O`Connor', 'Kristen Connor', '', 194, 216, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7174)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1789";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Servius', 'Eric Frissora', '', 194, 234, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7175)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1790";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Sile inghean ui Raghallaish', 'Katrina O`Reilly', '', 194, 218, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7176)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1791";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Sparrow Hawksdaughter', 'Angela Barreto', '', 194, 199, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7177)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1792";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Syntyche Eslmee', 'Elizabeth Lewis', '', 194, 206, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7178)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1793";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Tzvi ben Avraham', 'Dan Loundy', '', 194, 218, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7179)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1794";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Solveig Varen', 'Ashley Stone', '', 194, 200, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7180)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1795";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Hugh', 'Hugh Fisher', '', 720, 742, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7182)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1796";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Ethan Winklebleck', '', 317, 324, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7183)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1797";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Bodo', 'Paul B. Laugeu', '', 317, 322, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7184)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1798";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Joshua of Fettburg', 'Joshua Sigman', '', 317, 347, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7185)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1799";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Geoffrey Scott', 'Scott Shaw', '', 317, 335, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7186)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1800";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('William of Menyon', 'William Feliciano', '', 317, 322, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7187)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1801";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Marco Nibbione', 'Mark Masoni', '', 317, 322, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7188)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1802";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Mat Kori', '', 4, 170, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7189)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1803";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Joseph Sullivan', '', 4, 170, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7190)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1804";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Fallon', 'Maia', '', 5, 145, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7191)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1805";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Pyn', 'Pyn', '', 5, 145, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7192)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1806";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Kolbrandr Gaupa', 'Greg Hall', '', 4, 170, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7193)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1807";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Sarah Andyshak', '', 4, 170, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7194)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1808";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Annya atta Wode', 'Emilee Sawicki', '', 683, 716, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7195)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1809";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Rose atta Whitoak ', 'April Mitchell', '', 683, 716, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7196)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1810";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Maighread inghean Fearghus', 'Megan Valentine', '', 683, 716, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7197)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1811";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Jennifer Rein', '', 5, 152, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7198)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1812";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Cailen Cobb', 'Chris Corbitt', '', 5, 152, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7199)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1813";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Fujioka Tatsuko', 'Alicia Faires', '', 5, 152, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7200)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1814";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Charles of Portsmouth', 'Charles', '', 192, 285, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7201)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1815";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Thorin Stevenson', 'Dwayne Willits', '', 5, 99, 0, '0000-00-00', 'dwayne.willits@gmail.com', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7202)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1816";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Corasande of Starrhill', 'Sandra Erickson', '', 194, 222, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7203)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1817";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Immanuel von Brandenburg', 'Josh Flanders', '', 194, 222, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7204)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1818";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Elijah', 'Gabriel Johnson', '', 194, 222, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7205)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1819";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Robert Lyons', '', 720, 724, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7206)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1820";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Jeff Jennings', '', 5, 100, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7207)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1821";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Audrey Hampton', 'Elara Jack', '', 5, 106, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7208)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1822";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Tidwick of Truro', 'Andrew Houts', '', 317, 322, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7209)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1823";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Richard Winklebleck', '', 317, 322, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7210)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1824";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Brian of Glastonbury', 'Brian Keish', '', 317, 318, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7211)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1825";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Mike Epperly', 'Mike Epperly', '', 317, 322, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7212)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1826";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Castus Valerius', 'Dennis Hancock', '', 317, 332, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7213)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1827";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Avelyn Merwinna', 'Veronica Hancock', '', 317, 332, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7214)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1828";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Sparrow Ithunasdottir', 'Sparrow Theis', '', 317, 326, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7215)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1829";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Chris of Stierbach', 'Chris', '', 2, 22, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7216)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1830";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Celena del Los Rizados', 'Cynthia Shelby', '', 2, 22, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7217)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1831";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Yngvarr Tryggvason', 'Logan O`Brien', '', 5, 106, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7218)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1832";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Jane', 'Emma Lehman', '', 317, 322, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7219)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1833";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Bjulfr Thorfinsson', 'Scott Theis', '', 317, 326, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7220)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1834";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Noah of Glastonbury', 'Noah Keish', '', 317, 318, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7221)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1835";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Colin', 'Colin', '', 317, 322, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7222)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1836";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Brianne', 'Brianne Johnson', '', 317, 322, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7223)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1837";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Rohesia', 'Sandra Lagnese', 'Lady', 2, 34, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7224)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1838";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Alwin of Nottinghill Coill', 'Matthew Power', 'Lord', 2, 36, 0, '0000-00-00', 'ktarg1@yahoo.com', '864-436-3087', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7225)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1839";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Thorvald', 'Stephen Adams', '', 611, 616, 51090, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7226)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1840";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Maximillian Kern', 'Phillip Welling', '', 611, 613, 107881, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7227)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1841";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Amber Waegele', '', 611, 613, 224984, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7228)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1842";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Lilliana', 'Leslie Shely', '', 611, 613, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7229)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1843";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Abigail', 'Belva Yost', '', 611, 613, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7230)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1844";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Baldwin', 'Thomas H. Briggs', '', 611, 634, 222324, '2015-07-31', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7231)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1845";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Taryn of The Red Mountain', 'Taryn Watkins', '', 2, 57, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7232)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1846";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Owen the Welshman', 'Owen Ellis', '', 2, 57, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7233)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1847";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Miklis Filos Ambrosius', 'Travis Peters', 'HL', 5, 110, 0, '0000-00-00', 'peters.travis@gmail.com', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7234)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1848";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Vestia Antonia Aurelia', 'Barbara Van Look', 'HL', 5, 154, 0, '0000-00-00', 'optia_vesta@yahoo.com', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7235)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1849";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Marian Staarveld', 'Marian Harris', 'Viscountess', 5, 98, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7236)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1850";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Egil Cyriacson', 'Lane Taylor', '', 5, 108, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7237)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1851";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Adelaide Dewey', 'N Cupps', '', 192, 284, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7238)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1852";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Marita Bo', 'Maureen Dunbar', '', 192, 284, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7239)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1853";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Strongwolfe', 'Mathew Henning', '', 424, 447, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7240)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1854";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Lufe Spinning Winds', 'Gary Maple', '', 424, 447, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7241)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1855";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Vilda Leusch', 'Kate McClure', '', 5, 165, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7242)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1856";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Giulia Stanizi', 'Elizabeth Hudson', '', 5, 103, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7243)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1857";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Gwyn Ap LLewellyn', 'Barrey Spangler', 'Lord', 5, 98, 0, '0000-00-00', 'gwynapllewellyn@gmail.com', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7244)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1858";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Rafny', 'Rafny', '', 5, 98, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7245)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1859";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Alys Meghan Catwyn', 'Amy Carpenter', 'Misytress', 5, 98, 0, '0000-00-00', 'amy_c@efn.org', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7246)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1860";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Marcello Fornarius', 'Krista Abrahamson', 'Lord', 5, 98, 0, '0000-00-00', 'Krista.Abrahamson@gmail', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7247)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1861";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Mauera Cethin', 'Kistin Kinman', 'HL', 5, 98, 0, '0000-00-00', 'hlmauera@yahoo.com', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7248)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1862";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Eric Bentbow', 'Joe Simmons', 'Lord', 192, 289, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7249)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1863";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Mihaly Tacacs', 'Mike Call', '', 192, 289, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7250)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1864";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Jon Gilbert', 'Ken Elwood', '', 192, 289, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7251)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1865";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Hlutwige Wolfkiller', 'Lois Hale', '', 5, 108, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7252)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1866";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Hana Heon', '', 317, 336, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7253)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1867";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Morgan of Dragon`s Bay', 'Morgan Spriggs', '', 720, 736, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7254)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1868";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Amira de Winterton', 'Amira Brazell', '', 5, 131, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7256)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1869";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Rurik', 'Reece Holhauser', '', 5, 105, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7257)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1870";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Caradoc ap Owain', 'Troyce Wilson', '', 192, 291, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7258)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1871";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Joe Ralbovsley', '', 2, 23, 0, '0000-00-00', 'joseph.ralbovsley@gmail.com', '3155592999', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7259)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1872";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Leesa Hanagan', '', 2, 20, 0, '0000-00-00', 'ron.hanagan@gmail.com', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7260)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1873";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Tala aa_zahra', 'Rachel Weiner', '', 2, 23, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7261)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1874";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Karl von Stierbach', 'Karl', '', 2, 22, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7262)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1875";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Geoff Dehoag', '', 611, 613, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7263)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1876";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'T J Becker', '', 5, 134, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7264)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1877";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Anandi DuPray', 'Anandi Powell', '', 192, 284, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7274)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1878";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'John Dean', '', 5, 159, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7265)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1879";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Fergus MacThomais', 'George Thompson', 'Viscount', 317, 364, 0, '0000-00-00', 'flintlock75@yahoo.com', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7266)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1880";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Etain O`Rowarke', 'Crystal Nelson', 'Viscountess', 317, 364, 0, '0000-00-00', 'b3nelsons@mtaonline.net', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7267)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1881";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Vangelista Gherardini', 'Shona Hall', '', 720, 750, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7268)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1882";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Marjorie de ffeyrefeld', 'Tina Smith', '', 317, 364, 0, '0000-00-00', 'ldymarjorie@gmail.com', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7269)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1883";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Gavin Woodward', 'Throm Bates', '', 317, 361, 0, '0000-00-00', 'thom.bates@gmail.com', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7270)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1884";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Ulfgar Torkson', 'Ben Beckwith', '', 317, 361, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7271)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1885";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Katelinn of Delftwood', 'Katelinn Carrier', '', 3, 63, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7272)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1886";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Ainar Magnusson', 'Rick Drake', 'Master', 192, 284, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7273)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1887";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Len Whittle', '', 5, 823, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7275)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1888";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Aaron Windsong', 'Robert Decarlo', 'Lord', 5, 137, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7276)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1889";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Elijahu', 'Elijah Teplin Jacobs', '', 5, 98, 0, '0000-00-00', 'elijahlotus04@gmail.com', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7277)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1890";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Rowland Bridgeford', 'Robin Fisher', '', 720, 741, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7278)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1891";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Jack The Hunter', 'Jackson Shields', '', 720, 741, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7279)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1892";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Harold', 'Harrison Shields', '', 720, 741, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7280)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1893";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Natala of Mordenvale', 'Natala Villis', '', 720, 741, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7281)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1894";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Alys Grimsby', 'Shannon Cooper', '', 720, 741, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7282)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1895";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Fenissa Aeriksootter', 'Nerina Hart', '', 720, 741, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7283)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1896";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Kolfinna Of Mordinvale', 'Rowhin Cooper', '', 720, 741, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7284)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1897";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Basil Sulman', 'Bruce Curran', '', 720, 741, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7285)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1898";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Darrell of Mordenvale', 'Darrell Redman', '', 720, 741, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7286)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1899";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Robyn Atte May', 'Robyn McCallum', '', 720, 734, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7287)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1900";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Margaretta Haywards', 'Heather Mundy', '', 720, 734, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7288)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1901";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Bernard Stirling', 'Richard Dagger', '', 720, 734, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7289)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1902";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Thaddeus MacGreggor', 'Jason', '', 5, 134, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7290)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1903";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Ulf the Wanderer', 'Brian Spenst', 'HL', 5, 109, 0, '0000-00-00', 'ulf_the_wanderer@hotmail.com', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7291)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1904";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Maude Oswald', 'Kayla Waldroup', 'HL', 5, 109, 0, '0000-00-00', 'kaywaldroup@gmail.com', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7292)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1905";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Cydartha', 'Darren Ward', '', 5, 98, 0, '0000-00-00', 'auntisocial@juno.com', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7293)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1906";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('James Graham of Mugdock ', 'Stephen Storts', 'HL', 5, 112, 0, '0000-00-00', 'storts219@comcast.net', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7294)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1907";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Alisdair', 'Xander', '', 5, 105, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7295)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1908";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Nemo Magnus ', 'Nemo Magnus ', 'HL', 5, 6, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7296)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1909";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Aaron', 'Marr', '', 5, 131, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7297)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1910";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Rhys MacCumhail', 'James', '', 5, 129, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7298)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1911";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Ronail MaCenleigh', 'John', '', 5, 6, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7299)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1912";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('VALKA', 'TIMBER EVERETT', '', 611, 633, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7300)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1913";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('WYOLOT BERTREM', 'LORI SCHIESS', '', 611, 633, 226797, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7301)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1914";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Lieto', 'Emmett Baber', '', 5, 98, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7302)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1915";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Bercilak Von Neurenberg', 'Royce Cetlin', '', 465, 494, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7303)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1916";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Clay Bartlett', '', 2, 13, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7304)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1917";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Sam Bartlett', '', 2, 13, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7305)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1918";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Daniel Mehaffey', '', 2, 13, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7306)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1919";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Alexander Prince', 'Alexander Prince', '', 520, 521, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7307)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1920";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Vasilisa Myshkina', 'Britta Hall', '', 5, 103, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7308)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1921";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Rodrigo De Reinosa', 'Bryon Nelson', 'Viscount', 317, 364, 0, '0000-00-00', 'b4nelsons@mtaonline.net', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7309)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1922";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Nicolaa', 'Emily Conrog', '', 5, 145, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7310)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1923";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Morris Givens', '', 5, 154, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7311)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1924";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Sarah Givens', '', 5, 154, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7312)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1925";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Thyri Bersi', 'Melissa Karels ', '', 4, 168, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7313)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1926";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Kylan Hunda ', 'Keith Heffelfinger', '', 4, 168, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7314)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1927";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Alfie ', 'Nicholas Husted ', '', 4, 168, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7315)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1928";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Larry Vienneau ', '', 4, 168, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7316)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1929";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Anna Di Caterina Neri', 'Georga Pfile', 'Mistress', 317, 361, 0, '0000-00-00', 'annahnarie@gmail.com', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7317)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1930";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Isabelle Hawke', 'MIssy Snyder', '', 317, 361, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7318)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1931";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Valentina De La Bere', 'Teresa Linkhart', '', 317, 364, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7319)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1932";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Viresse de Lighthaven (Verica)', 'Cathy Judge', 'Syr', 317, 361, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7320)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1933";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Yaraslova Solovei', 'Nadya Neklioudora', '', 720, 750, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7321)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1934";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Gregory Miles', 'Grigorii Luchnik', '', 720, 750, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7322)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1935";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Milton of Bega Valley', 'Milton Wicks', '', 720, 744, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7323)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1936";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Burghardt', 'Mark Thomas', '', 720, 742, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7324)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1937";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Ulfr Hausaklyufr', 'Corey Ellery', '', 720, 750, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7325)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1938";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Avelyn Rosewood', 'Verity Farrell', '', 720, 740, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7326)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1939";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Dyrfinna', 'Laura Cooper', '', 5, 148, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7327)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1940";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Greg Strauss', 'Greg Strauss', '', 3, 65, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7328)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1941";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Kazimierz', 'C.Bergeret', 'Lord', 9, 315, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7329)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1942";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Irene von Lassen', 'I.Purificato', 'Lady', 9, 543, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7330)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1943";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('William the Mysterious', 'W.Studdiford', '', 9, 543, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7331)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1944";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Orso Tano diFirenze', 'J.Gilbert', '', 9, 315, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7332)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1945";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Christopher Michaelson', 'C.Tighe', '', 9, 315, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7333)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1946";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Kilian Gunther', 'Josh Hilbert', '', 2, 18, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7334)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1947";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Ruslan Voronov', 'John Etherington', '', 3, 63, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7335)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1948";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Lieto', 'Emmet Baber', '', 5, 98, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7336)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1949";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Earl Bogart', 'Robert Herring', '', 192, 294, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7337)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1950";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Just Rick', 'Jon Allison', '', 192, 296, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7338)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1951";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Gerald de Huntington', 'Gerald', '', 5, 108, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7355)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1952";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Avatar Catsprey', 'Albert Cofrin', '', 192, 301, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7340)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1953";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Nokolai Vladislav', 'Todd reamey', '', 192, 298, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7341)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1954";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Adian McRae', 'Adam Muncy', '', 192, 307, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7342)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1955";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Adam Cobb', '', 5, 108, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7344)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1956";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Kris Kinder', '', 5, 108, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7345)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1957";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Peter Swayze', '', 5, 108, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7346)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1958";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Chris Kinder', '', 5, 108, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7347)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1959";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Leah Yegnes Waren', '', 2, 45, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7348)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1960";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Enmar Abrams', '', 2, 45, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7349)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1961";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Rivka bat Daniyal', 'Zoe Taeger', 'Lady', 3, 65, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7350)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1962";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Michael of Wulfhou', 'Michael Kiry', '', 2, 45, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7351)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1963";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Alexander Pruitt', '', 2, 45, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7352)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1964";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Lee Peters of Sudentorre', 'Lee Peters', '', 2, 45, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7353)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1965";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Justinian Archer', 'James Truong', '', 317, 322, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7354)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1966";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Simonetta d`Alfassi', 'Martie Dewars', '', 3, 66, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7356)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1967";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Tyger', 'Clyde Carr', '', 3, 66, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7357)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1968";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Gawin Hawkseye', 'Matthew Spencer', '', 3, 66, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7358)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1969";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Reid Page', '', 5, 853, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7359)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1970";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Arnbjorg Helga Nilsdottir', 'S.Fuller', 'Lady', 9, 599, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7360)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1971";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Udalrich Schermer', 'T.Daniels', 'Herr', 9, 315, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7361)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1972";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Arlyana van Wyck', 'Y.Carmichael', 'Baroness', 9, 315, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7362)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1973";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Anne `Fuzzy Hat` Gryffyth', 'M.Liss', 'Lady', 9, 845, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7363)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1974";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Boden Henebry', 'J.Henebury', 'Lord', 9, 563, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7364)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1975";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Sweyn MacAwlife', 'T.Randall', 'Lord', 9, 563, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7365)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1976";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Magnus DeLondres', 'P.Holm', 'Lord', 9, 583, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7366)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1977";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Johann of Russeling Woods', 'J.Rymasz', '', 9, 544, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7367)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1978";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('James of York', 'J.Hall', '', 9, 606, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7368)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1979";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Matheus Carnifex', 'M.Bowers', 'Lord', 9, 546, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7369)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1980";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Talmar of Fester', 'UnKnown', '', 9, 605, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7370)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1981";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Ichabod the Tall', 'S.Rosen', 'Master', 9, 592, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7371)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1982";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Maerryn the Curious', 'UnKnown', '', 9, 609, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7372)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1983";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Miles Boweman', 'M.Iurilli', 'Lord', 9, 606, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7373)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1984";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Damiano Vitalie de la Fonda', 'D.Casantini', '', 9, 546, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7374)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1985";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Seamus na Coille Aosda', 'M.Barrows', 'Lord', 9, 561, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7375)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1986";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Sojourner', 'L.Gilbert', '', 9, 557, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7376)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1987";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Eric Michaelson', 'E.Tighe', '', 9, 315, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7377)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1988";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Taradan banMarca', 'Marcia Royal', '', 5, 152, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7378)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1989";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Aerndis', 'Sheina Hall', '', 4, 170, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7379)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1990";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Jorundr', 'Tym Cogan', '', 3, 72, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7380)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1991";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Nathan Chronicler', '', 5, 100, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7381)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1992";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Warns', '', 5, 100, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7382)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1993";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Jame K', 'C. Jones', '', 5, 100, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7383)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1994";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Sirona Boann', 'Celeste Will', 'Lady', 683, 698, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7384)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1995";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Hilary of Marion Glenn', 'Hilary Tabor', '', 683, 695, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7385)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1996";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Richart de Sunderbach', 'Richard Rogers', 'Lord', 683, 699, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7386)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1997";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Scott Hamilton', '', 4, 169, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7387)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1998";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."(' Griffin Enguerrand', 'Marshal', '', 5, 139, 0, '0000-00-00', 'branch_marshal@druim-doineann.org', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7388)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_1999";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Damianna', 'D.Wolyniec', 'Lady', 9, 583, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7389)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_2000";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('John the Bear', 'J.Brooks', 'Lord', 9, 599, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7390)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_2001";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Gianetta Lucia Alegretta', 'L.Boullianne', 'Baronessa', 9, 583, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7391)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_2002";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Crispin MacCoy', 'C.Fitzgerald', '', 9, 562, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7392)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_2003";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Joscelin le esqurel', 'M.Lamar', 'Lord', 9, 589, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7393)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_2004";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Dominic Seamor', 'S.Osmanski', 'Lord', 9, 598, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7394)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_2005";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Erna Mani', 'A.Christian', 'Lady', 9, 546, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7395)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_2006";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Deirdre of MITGaard', 'A.Bergeron', 'Lady', 9, 315, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7396)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_2007";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Symon of Barnesdale', 'C.Bergeron', 'Lord', 9, 315, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7397)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_2008";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Asher de Lincolia', 'J.Mael', '', 9, 315, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7398)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_2009";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Brenda Paul', 'Brenda Paul', '', 5, 154, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7399)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_2010";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Trevor Kitching', 'Trevor Kitching', '', 5, 154, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7400)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_2011";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Floki', 'David Katz', '', 5, 154, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7401)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_2012";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Ian Shurjleff', 'Ian Shurjleff', '', 5, 145, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7402)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_2013";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Catarina De Vecienzi', 'Katy Vertido', '', 5, 145, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7403)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_2014";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Piaras', 'Daniel Tharp', '', 5, 145, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7404)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_2015";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Hanzel', 'Tyler Hansen', '', 5, 145, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7405)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_2016";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Rathyen De Bares of Acton', 'Sharon Chism', '', 5, 154, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7406)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_2017";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Violante', 'Jennifer Smith', '', 5, 129, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7407)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_2018";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Katarine Mitchell', 'Kattie Cone', '', 5, 154, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7408)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_2019";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Wyatt Witt', 'Wyatt Witt', '', 5, 154, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7409)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_2020";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Hansel Von Drachenberg', 'Tyler Hanson', '', 5, 145, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7410)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_2021";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Robert O`Neill', 'Bobby Ray', '', 5, 154, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7411)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_2022";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Miquel', 'Michael Celaya', '', 520, 521, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7412)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_2023";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Jessica Celaya', '', 520, 521, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7413)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_2024";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Drew Drury', '', 520, 521, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7414)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_2025";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Noal Zabriskie', '', 520, 521, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7415)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_2026";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Sebastian', 'Sebastian', '', 5, 110, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7416)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_2027";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Randall of the Bog', 'Randall Harris', '', 3, 67, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7417)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_2028";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Ragnvald Nohair', 'Reg Robinson', '', 5, 853, 0, '0000-00-00', 'r.robins@telus.net', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7418)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_2029";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Alessandra', 'Lena Fitzsimmons', '', 520, 536, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7419)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_2030";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Kirby', 'Kirby Bellamy', '', 5, 98, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7420)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_2031";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Wilhelm der Munech', 'William C Schuh', '', 5, 98, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7421)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_2032";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Magdalena von Freiberg', 'Heather Van Fossen', '', 5, 109, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7422)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_2033";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Fidelia Hawkwood', 'Laura McNamar', 'Lady', 5, 109, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7423)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_2034";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Char', 'Amanda Bellamy', '', 5, 98, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7424)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_2035";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Hayes of Darkwood', 'Hayes Russell', '', 317, 322, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7425)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_2036";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Paul Sgroi', '', 317, 377, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7426)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_2037";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Leonhard Schuwert', 'L.vanIderstine', 'Lord', 9, 552, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7427)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_2038";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Leon the Navigator', 'L.Bloom', 'Lord', 9, 552, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7428)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_2039";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Karl of Granite Belt Living History', 'Karl ', '', 720, 833, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7429)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_2040";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Cathy Williams', '', 5, 165, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7430)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_2041";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Wolfram Brant', 'Richard Edwards', '', 4, 168, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7431)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_2042";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Aedan Mac Swihne', 'Michael McSwine', '', 5, 110, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7432)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_2043";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Ilisebeth', 'Erin', '', 5, 120, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7433)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_2044";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Christopher Ciszak', '', 4, 187, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7434)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_2045";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Nathan Ringbreaker', 'Nate Vitagliano', '', 5, 110, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7435)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_2046";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Ersebet Vadas', 'Joscelyn Mackie', '', 5, 110, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7436)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_2047";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Brandon Hansen', '', 5, 102, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7437)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_2048";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Hanse Kleermaker', 'Casey Weed', 'Lord', 192, 289, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7438)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_2049";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Anen Von Drachenfel', 'David Nisperos', '', 465, 494, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7439)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_2050";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Brann mac Finnchad', 'John Frey', '', 317, 364, 0, '0000-00-00', 'beorn.se.bacaire@gmail.com', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7440)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_2051";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Loretta Czekala', '', 5, 110, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7441)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_2052";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Carith de Cuevas', 'Michelle Wiseman', '', 5, 110, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7442)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_2053";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Mike Lehrter', '', 2, 13, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7443)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_2054";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Larissa', '', 2, 13, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7444)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_2055";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Megan', '', 2, 13, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7445)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_2056";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Caroline', '', 3, 66, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7446)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_2057";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Caroline Kearney', '', 3, 66, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7447)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_2058";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Troy Climenhaga', '', 3, 66, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7448)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_2059";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Dylan Warren', '', 3, 66, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7449)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_2060";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Cennédig', 'Peter Cadoret', '', 400, 418, 0, '0000-00-00', 'ealdormere.archery@gmail.com', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7450)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_2061";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Debby Cowan', '', 3, 87, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7451)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_2062";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Gyda Magnusdotter', 'Dolores', '', 465, 494, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7452)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_2063";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Robartach Mac Lochlainn', 'Robert', '', 465, 494, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7453)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_2064";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Asleif Hrafnasdottir', 'Elisa', '', 465, 494, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7454)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_2065";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Nola of Lambermora', 'Peggy Brandt', '', 465, 494, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7455)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_2066";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Cris Davis', '', 3, 87, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7456)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_2067";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Hradi Kottr', 'Jason R. Notter', '', 317, 362, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7457)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_2068";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Shawn Robert of Kikemmy', 'Shawn Denny', 'Syr', 317, 362, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7458)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_2069";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Josephina', 'Kimberly Carpenter', '', 611, 622, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7505)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_2070";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Cyrus Aurelius', 'DJ Wilson', 'Sir', 317, 361, 0, '0000-00-00', 'lordcyrus@gci.net', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7460)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_2071";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Cynehild Cynesigesdohtor', 'Claire Knudsen-Latta', '', 317, 361, 0, '0000-00-00', 'cynehild@gci.com', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7461)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_2072";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Olivia DuCHat', 'Erica Morse', '', 317, 361, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7462)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_2073";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Ceara Deialcan', 'Jennifer Ryearson', '', 317, 361, 0, '0000-00-00', 'caira.deralcan@gmail.com', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7463)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_2074";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Kolskeggr Ungi', 'Noah Ryearson', '', 317, 361, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7464)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_2075";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Kat of Fjordland', 'Katherine Chan', '', 5, 853, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7465)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_2076";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Kevin of Fjordland', 'Kevin McCharles', '', 5, 853, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7466)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_2077";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Erasmus', 'Erasmus Nuttycombe', '', 611, 612, 222773, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7467)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_2078";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Tuck', 'Kentucky Jones', '', 5, 109, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7468)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_2079";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Sara of the Pink Cloak', 'Sara Werner', '', 5, 98, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7469)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_2080";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Seamus O`Ceillaigh', 'Ray Kelly', '', 5, 109, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7470)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_2081";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Svanhilde Gildersonn', 'Nicole Herman', '', 5, 145, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7471)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_2082";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Ramsey Frost-Hawk', 'Ramsey Taitom', '', 5, 98, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7472)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_2083";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Abu Ama alazibir Har', 'Robert Havo', '', 5, 134, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7473)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_2084";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Zachary Marshall', 'Zachary Marshall', '', 5, 145, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7474)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_2085";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Roderic von Heinz', 'Saen', '', 5, 98, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7475)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_2086";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Sholea of Susa', 'Sholea Friend', '', 5, 98, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7476)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_2087";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Daniella', 'Danielle Werner', '', 5, 98, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7477)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_2088";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Eleanor', 'Elle', '', 5, 98, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7478)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_2089";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Jeremy', 'Jeremy Werner', '', 5, 98, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7479)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_2090";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Sean the Swift', 'Sean Werner', '', 5, 98, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7480)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_2091";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Gerald de Huntington', 'Gerald', 'OGGS', 5, 110, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7481)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_2092";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Gy Darke ', 'Sean Wolfe', 'Lord', 5, 103, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7482)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_2093";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Heidr in ljosa', 'Heather Lindsey', 'Lady', 5, 103, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7483)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_2094";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Beth of Maplewood', 'Beth Kemp', '', 3, 95, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7484)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_2095";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Subhne O`Dubhslaine', 'Todd Sylvester', '', 3, 72, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7485)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_2096";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Beth of Maplewood', 'Beth Kemp', '', 3, 72, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7486)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_2097";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Damian de Winter', 'Lenny Calou', '', 5, 110, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7487)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_2098";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Mea Giuliana Passavanti ', 'Jenn Forsyth', 'HL', 5, 98, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7488)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_2099";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Tjorkill Kanne', 'Tjorkill Kanne', 'Duke', 5, 109, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7489)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_2100";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Seraphina Delfino', 'Elizabeth Hanes', '', 2, 18, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7490)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_2101";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Savaric de Porte des Lions', 'Brian Guesswork', '', 5, 151, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7491)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_2102";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Tess Gawrys', '', 3, 66, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7492)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_2103";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Ilia Vtecht', '', 4, 168, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7493)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_2104";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Eirene Akropolitissa', 'Erin Van Auken', '', 4, 171, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7494)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_2105";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Tessina Felice Gianfigliazzi', 'Geneva Day', 'Her Ladyship', 5, 98, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7495)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_2106";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('John Stewart', 'John Nusbaum', '', 5, 98, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7496)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_2107";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Evey', 'Evey Mengelkoch', '', 5, 98, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7497)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_2108";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Cristiana', 'Christin Unfred', '', 5, 98, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7498)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_2109";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Caitlin', 'Caitlin Worley', '', 5, 98, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7499)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_2110";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Ask', 'Martin Anixter', '', 3, 65, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7500)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_2111";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Brandy Straub', '', 3, 65, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7501)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_2112";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Johann Von Aue', 'John Eppler', 'Ld', 192, 284, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7502)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_2113";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Aurelia Wilhelmina Ruhlander', 'Stephanie Porter', '', 192, 284, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7503)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_2114";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Johann Von Aue', 'John Eppler', '', 192, 284, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7504)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_2115";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Alison Barrett', '', 720, 742, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7508)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_2116";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Mike Baz', '', 720, 742, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7509)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_2117";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('', 'Lisa Southwell', '', 720, 742, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7510)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_2118";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Rawiya Al-Layl', 'Molly Witten', '', 5, 98, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7511)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_2119";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Sanchia Novella', 'Linda Brown', '', 5, 98, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7512)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_2120";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Sheeleagh mac Cathail', 'Jeanne Warr', 'Baroness', 520, 521, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7513)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_2121";$FQ=$Q;} $RC++;$Q=$S."('Leandra of Sudentorre', 'Jackie Vest', '', 2, 45, 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, NULL, 7514)";if(mq($Q)!=1){$FC++;$C.="_2122";$FQ=$Q;} print "
TABLE: $StrTableName "; print "
ROWS: $RC "; if ($FC > 0) { print "
FAILED ROWS: $C "; } if (strlen($FQ) > 1) { print "
=== $FQ === "; } ?>